This explains a lot!

Your Hot Dog Guy!

Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2008
Oh yeah, I can see me now!
some one show this old man how to post an image. this is the second time!
Why does it show up in mine and not everybodys! Sorry
I'd guess you linked to a picture stored locally on your machine, or if on a sharing site, in a password protected gallery.

...just checked .. it's stored at, so you probably linked to an image in a email. You'll need to upload it to a public gallery, such as photobucket or and link from there.

For those of you that made fun of YHDG, hope you don't get a loogey-dog next time!
We understand is he old.... Send me the pic again and I will post it for you again there pops......
I'd guess you linked to a picture stored locally on your machine, or if on a sharing site, in a password protected gallery.

...just checked .. it's stored at, so you probably linked to an image in a email. You'll need to upload it to a public gallery, such as photobucket or and link from there.

For those of you that made fun of YHDG, hope you don't get a loogey-dog next time!

i think he linked to a pic in his gmail email account.

Thanks CAptain Obvious. :D

When you have an image in an email, right click, Save as, to desktop. then go to NC4x4 post thread, below the text box click upload a file. go to your desktop in the window that pops up and select the image you just saved to your desktop and click the button "Open File"

then type "Hey Reid", follow that up with ":fuck-you:"
