This Is It

I am with Dylan on this...not going to be going to see it (havent been to a movie in 5 years or so) but Ill catch it on TV, etc.

I think the man, while psychologically unstable, got a bad rap for mistakes he never made.
I won't be paying to see that movie not just because it's him but more to the fact that I don't care for movies like this and personally I believe that when famous people die the media and public should let them die and Rest In Peace. Of course every time I hear a Michael Jackson song I can't help but sing along badly. He was an excellent artist but I won't be seeing this. I would rather see Paranormal Activity.
Wouldnt watch it if it were playing on the inside of my EYELIDS.Not a bad singer....for a white chick.
Saw the movie last night. I was able to get into the 9:30 p.m sneak preview that was being held by a couple local radio station. Even if you don't like MJ, this movie was amazing, it showed how much of a perfectionist he was and the fact that he was 50 and up there out dancing people half his age and singing as good as he always has sounded is amazing to me. The setup that he was going to have on stage was killer! some stuff that I thought could never be done on stage. If you like MJ the slightest bit and want a good time, then go see this movie. All in all, I was very impressed and just makes you think, what could have been had he not died....
Sorry to jump in sooo late.I remember seeing a show that showed him shopping with a kid in the middle of the night.They were at some big toy store in NY.Anyway,every time jackson came near the kid ....the kid brushed him off like a woman does after you've been with her.Not me-YOU.Makes me wonder why some kid realizing his dreams of MJ and whatever toy he wants -would be so rude to such a SWEET GUY/PETER PAN?
I am with Dylan on this...not going to be going to see it (havent been to a movie in 5 years or so) but Ill catch it on TV, etc.
I think the man, while psychologically unstable, got a bad rap for mistakes he never made.


I saw the movie about him and his brothers that was on TV (VH1?) a while back. I thought it was pretty good. I didn't know how hard his father was on them. He was a mean bastard.
. I didn't know how hard his father was on them. He was a mean bastard.

everyone gives him a break cause his father was hard on him. Brian Wilson's dad was worse...hell, he beat the ear drum out of the kid when he was two! and you dont see any of the beach boys touching (or even accused of touching) little kids.
IIRC this film was planned as part of the tour he was about to do, loooong before his death, as sort of promo deal. It's not like the family suddenly decided to put it together.

I'm actually pretty tempted to go, just not a fan of the $40 cost for me, wife, and babysitter. We rarely go out to any movie.
I'd rent it for sure.
everyone gives him a break cause his father was hard on him. Brian Wilson's dad was worse...hell, he beat the ear drum out of the kid when he was two! and you dont see any of the beach boys touching (or even accused of touching) little kids.
true...very true...but Brian Wilson wasn't 9 years old and beat with an ironing cord and pushed out on stage to perform in front of hundreds of thousands of people. Michael had no childhood and had always been in the spotlight...I give Michael a break, because he only cared about the human condition.
brian had his hearing beat out of him at the age of the way....brian was perferming by the age of two...hence the beating.
it doesnt really mean to much to me but thought some of the fans would find it interesting.

On the radio last nite a talk show host pointed out that for many of us...this will be our first halloween without micheal jackson. the music from thriller is very prominent this time of year.
really not trying to argue with you. I really don't know much about the beach boys.

Not arguing. Just pointing something out. it's pretty interesting how many of the stars had childhoods like this.

Look at Mckenzie phillips and her dad (mamas and the papas). musicians have jacked up family lives.