This is terrible, the world could never be the same


You look like a monkey and smell like one too
May 18, 2005
Churchville, MD
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Now what will we all live on after a nuclear holocaust?

Try finding a little Debbie fudge round or oatmeal pie these days! Ya cant buy singles anymore!
This gives me hope for the waistline and teeth of my children. I won't miss 'em. I can't think of anything they make that I couldn't stand to lose.

Hostess owns Wonder Bread too... we're losing more than just Twinkies.
Hostess owns Wonder Bread too... we're losing more than just Twinkies.

And I don't buy that overpriced, pasty crap. We're a wheat house. I like my bread to have flavor. The only time I really long for a piece of white bread is when I've got to give a dog a pill or solder some wet copper pipes.
I don't think I've ever had a Twinkie. My grandma bought Little Debbie... an oatmeal creme pie is the nectar of the gods. ;)
Twinkies are like sticks of dynamite... They are good untill they start sweating.

I got to tour the old Oshkosh truck factory and they have bomb shelters under the plant. (They were a top 5 enemy target durring WW2) There are cases of Twinkies and tuna fish down there that are 50 years old! :bounce2: