This just in...


Asshole at large
Mar 17, 2005
Central PA
The "Greg Slade / 4WP of Raleigh" fan club's membership is approaching that of the "BIGWOODY / Mrs. BIGWOODY" fan club, after only being in existance for just a few months..

Stay tuned for updates as they develop...

Hell no, here keeping the outlaws and her aunt occupied.. I'd rather be at work... :lol:
Where can i get some info on this fan club? Is there a web-site, a book, stickers! will there be meetings or book signings?
Will we have access to our new icon?
How much access?
Will he sign autographs and/or take pictures?
Will you give me the info on this club soon? HECK YEAH, MAN!
WOO-WEE...CANT WAIT!:popcorn::rolleyes: