I found that when I really took the time to be completely honest and really take the time to put in LOTS of information, the number of "misses" dropped to nearly nil. Mind you, my criteria was kind of unusual... I remember a few things about it..
"Do you know which end of a screwdriver to use?"
"Are you comfortable in a skirt and heels hours after being out in the woods dirty?"
"Do you like a WIDE variety of music, and by variety, I don't mean Country AND western?"
"Can you laugh at yourself...often?"
etc..etc.. "If you answered yes to all of the above, we might get along"
It drastically cut down on the number of e-mails I received, which was just fine by me. That just told me I was doing something right.
My wife's had a few questions I had to answer on initial contact.. "If you had a theme song to your life...what would it be?" "If you had a vanity plate on your car, what would it say?" Uncommon questions, yes, but in her words, "they made ya think, and were often quite revealing about your personality".. coming from a psychologist, I'll take her word on it