Those that found "the one" VIA Internet


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2005
how many times did you try and fail? I found it hard because the first few were real duche bags and ass holes.

I thought it was funny after they tried me they would move to my friends (or visa versa) So we always screened out the losers before agreeing meet
I can't say I was looking for someone at the time we met but I had a myspace account and we were just talking as friends on there at first. I already had a girlfriend but it was in no way serious. She came up to hang out with a bunch of friends of mine at my house one night and we have been together since. Going on 2 years now. We're not married but we did just buy a house together. I would think that would show we're pretty comitted to each other.
over a period of a couple of years, over 60

I believe I was #64! :rolleyes:

His profile said:

"By any other name a rose would smell as sweet"

I had just recently gotten a rose tatoo on my right ankle.

Our names sound alike, no, not Chip......:lol:

64 WOMENS...!!! Chip you sly old dog you...:huggy:

I found that when I really took the time to be completely honest and really take the time to put in LOTS of information, the number of "misses" dropped to nearly nil. Mind you, my criteria was kind of unusual... I remember a few things about it..

"Do you know which end of a screwdriver to use?"
"Are you comfortable in a skirt and heels hours after being out in the woods dirty?"
"Do you like a WIDE variety of music, and by variety, I don't mean Country AND western?"
"Can you laugh at yourself...often?"

etc..etc.. "If you answered yes to all of the above, we might get along"

It drastically cut down on the number of e-mails I received, which was just fine by me. That just told me I was doing something right.

My wife's had a few questions I had to answer on initial contact.. "If you had a theme song to your life...what would it be?" "If you had a vanity plate on your car, what would it say?" Uncommon questions, yes, but in her words, "they made ya think, and were often quite revealing about your personality".. coming from a psychologist, I'll take her word on it ;)
Met Tim on MYSPACE a year and a half ago, still going great.
Well lookslike I am gonna have to get me a myspace . I am gonna have the hottie from work do it for me . I think she can tell a little about me from our late night beer drinking times
Didn't meet mine on the Internet. Met her through a radio station Dateline Service. She is now my 3rd wife and has been for just over 10 years, a record.
Society is dependent on progressing technology and communication systems, however I will never view internet dating as a healthy medium through which to meet a serious significant other. No matter how many "success" stories I hear about internet dating like and I still think it is inherently flawed. I think one of the biggest reasons internet relationships are successful is that the people are so desperate to resort to this social medium that they will grab onto the first person that shows them any attention. It is impossible to plug your qualities into an equation with another persons qualities and have a successful relationship. Relationships, in my opinion, are based on the compatibility factors that you can't fill out on some 3rd rate website.

Not to disrespect anyone who has found happiness this way, but that is just my opinion.
Opinions are like,.............. well you know what comes next. I didn't view it as being desperate on either my part or hers, but rather as just another venue to meet people. Both of us in a situation where everyday life didn't net a lot of potential suitors. I didn't fill out any forms or 203 questions, I just read her little bio, and wrote her. We talked a long time before we met. We got to know one another through conversations. Chit chat, questions, just conversations. When any method becomes unflawed, then you take the human aspect out of it. There is no contract to do anything, it is just a way to meet. The rest is up to you. Just as many success stories are used to advertise for one match place or another, there are also many many more stories of when it didn't work. Kinda like Babe Ruth being the home run king, he was also the strike out king.
Anyway you look at it people are people, and you just keep trying till you either become discouraged or you meet someone. I am sure there are very few who married the very first person they met/dated.
It is impossible to plug your qualities into an equation with another persons qualities and have a successful relationship. Relationships, in my opinion, are based on the compatibility factors that you can't fill out on some 3rd rate website..

honestly, your opinion sounds like someone who either has never really seen the myriad of questions asked, or looked once, maybe 10+ years ago, when they weren't as evolved as they are now. Either way, it sounds surprisingly uneducated coming from you.

But what you are correct on is that you can't just magically answer the questions and be GUARANTEED a good relationship, it just increases your chances significantly. Of those I went out with via match and those beforehand, I was FAR more compatible with all the ones I met through match and had a better relationship with them, however short or long that may have been.

'Course, I'm just speaking from first-hand experience, what would I know about it.
honestly, your opinion sounds like someone who either has never really seen the myriad of questions asked, or looked once, maybe 10+ years ago, when they weren't as evolved as they are now. Either way, it sounds surprisingly uneducated coming from you.

If you'd like to post some of the questions asked, I would gladly re-evaluate my opinion. The only reason I'm so adimant against it is because my ex-GF and I shared ALOT of the same interests, values, morals, etc, and we ended being an awful couple. All I'm saying is that there are too many factors beyond the paper to assume that searching for a significant other based solely on your PERCEIVED conception of yourself is incredibly difficult.