Tig welding


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2016
Hey y’all.... question... might be a dumb one but I’m gonna give it a shot. I pick up a Tig welder from an auction today and was wondering if there’s any good instructional books on tig welding. I know the YouTube is full of videos, but not much in how and where to start setting the machine up. There’s a lot more knobs and switch’s than the ole mig welder. I’m brand new to Tig and have always wanted to learn, just the machines were so expensive. I think I got a good deal on this one. And it should last me forever
Years ago...some of my friends say they “can” but I’ve never seen them. I think the Miller place can get me a manual at least.
The Fabricator Series and any video eith Bob Moffett on Weld.com channel are my favorite. Also Jody on welding tips and tricks is another good one.
Miller Syncrowave 300

Just put your serial # in there and it'll give you the manual :

I'm also sure that if you post a picture of the control panel I and some others will be happy to tell you what knob does what.
If you post a clear picture of the front panel controls on the machine and what you want to practice on, I’m sure we can get you set up and running easily.

steel and stainless: dc electrode negative, Hf start, preflow .5, postflow 5-10s, amperage depends on tungsten size and material thickness.

alum : AC, Hf continuous, balance 60-70%, freq start at 120, pre/post flow the same.

20-30 on 100% argon depending on gas cup and how windy your shop is, and joint type

if it has pulse, and you want to play with it, start with 50% on time, 30% back ground amperage, and 1.2-1.5 pulse per second.

0-60a, 1/16 tungsten
50-175 a, 3/32 tungsten
125-250a 1/8 tungsten

pretty generic settings to get you going.
Thanks for the help guys. I pick it up on Wednesday, I’ll post up some pictures then.

Near the check in area, there is a box of manuals for a lot of the machines he had. While I know there are digital copies, may be worth flipping through the file folders (all are labeled at top) to see if he had any paperwork with that machine. He did for most others.
Near the check in area, there is a box of manuals for a lot of the machines he had. While I know there are digital copies, may be worth flipping through the file folders (all are labeled at top) to see if he had any paperwork with that machine. He did for most others.
Did you get something, there was some cool stuff there.