Time of Use Energy Bill Peak Hour Rates


Jul 2, 2015
asheville nc
Have any of you switched to a time of use billing program with Duke and seeing a bill improvement by setting AC/Heat to operate only during the non peak hours?

Cant really see any other use changes in a residence to take advantage of the non peak hours besides like the dryer/washer for example. Could possible put the fridge on a timer, but thats small potatoes compared to the oven and AC/Heat

Don't forget about irrigation/pool pumps, dish washer, heat strips & water heater.
My personal opinion is it is not worth it.
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I live right on the service area line between Dominion Energy and Mid Carolina Electric Coop. I'm on Dominion and it's set rate. MCEC has a peak/off peak schedule that changes by season. Off peak is pennies, peak is outrageous. My friends that are on MCEC complain about it and change their life in response to peak times. I don't worry about when I wash clothes or weld something on the jeep. Our average bills are probably pretty comparable...
I looked into it and it didn't seem like enough savings to be worth the worry.
I'm really glad I don't have any of that stuff where I'm at. The highest power bill I've had was 150 and the lowest was 56.
Your standard rate goes from about $.085/kwh to $.077/kwh on the peak savers program.



7.7 cents per kWh
(About 10% lower than the standard residential rate)
All hours that are not designated Peak or Discount hours
(Most hours of the day)

You also get a $.056/kwh rate from 1am-6am in the summer, and 1am-3am and 11am-4pm in the winter (during the times when the HVAC doesn't run and you aren't using any electricity).



5.6 cents per kWh
(About 35% lower than the standard residential rate)
Summer (May 1 – Sept. 30)
1 a.m. – 6 a.m.

Non-summer (Oct. 1 – April 30)
1 a.m. – 3 a.m. and 11 a.m. – 4 p.m.

HOWEVER, if you use electricity during peak hours, you're screwed!
Peak Energy Rate:
16.9 cents per kWh

Critical Peak Energy Rate:
35 cents per kWh
Summer (May 1 – Sept. 30)
6 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Non-summer (Oct. 1 – April 30)
6 a.m. – 9 a.m.

Also, the rates on that website are incorrect, as this is the current pricing :rolleyes:

Basic Facilities Charge, per month $14.00 II. Energy Charge a. Critical Peak Energy per month, per kWh 35.0000¢ b. On-Peak Energy per month, per kWh 19.2297¢ c. Off-Peak Energy per month, per kWh 8.4187¢ d. Discount Energy per month, per kWh 6.0864¢

Bottom line, it's hard to offset a doubled or quadrupled rate for peak hours with a 10% savings during normal hours.
I'm really glad I don't have any of that stuff where I'm at. The highest power bill I've had was 150 and the lowest was 56.
Are you on City of New Bern power? I know they have a pretty aggressive Load Management program to cycle people's HVAC & turn off water heaters is the only reason I ask.
I am, but I'm wayyyy outside of city limits. I don't have any of that jazz on my house. My power comes from the substation down near Carolina Pines on Lewis Farm Rd.
I am, but I'm wayyyy outside of city limits. I don't have any of that jazz on my house.
I actively avoid it myself and hate to say it, but you don't have any of that jazz on your house yet. They are in the process of expanding their AMI system, but on the bright side (if you can call it that) they typically run Load Management for less than 150 hours annually.
I work nights, so I'll probably never notice it anyway.