Tire balance help!!


Jul 23, 2012
North Raleigh
So I've got a set of TWF wheels with brand new 37" Rockers...Per some research online, I added 12 oz of higher end air soft bb's to help with the balancing. The jeep, as of now, is undrivable anything over 20 or so mph, to the point the steering wobbles back and forth so hard that it will, if you let it, break into a DW....

I'm running brand new TRE's, Drag link ends, ball joints, and have re-torqued everything under the front and inspected it. Rotating the wheels this weekend I found 1 tire in particular thats having issues, but they're all pretty bad....I've been working on trussing/re-gearing and re-wiring this thing for the last 4 months and to say the least, I'm ready to drive it.

So, basically I'm stumped. I called Andy at TWF and he suggested a few things that I'm going to try, but I doubt they're going to yield the significant improvement I need to even get the thing safe to drive.

Anybody know of any 4x4 shops near Raleigh?? I called 4-wheel parts and thats a no-go, said they wouldnt even attempt it.

My only other thought is to simply add more balancing media, but thats not too simple as I'd have to disassemble the wheels again (HUGE pita) and per Andy at TWF that might not do anything anyway, but they WILL balance out, I just need to figure out how

I used 12 oz of air soft BBs in my 35" rockers and they balanced pretty well. These tires are heavy, so it might be that you need more like 15oz of BBs in each one.
Yeah they're heavy for sure...especially with the wheels..I figured with the 12 oz I have in them they might be close, but thats a no-go. There is, I suppose, a possibility I mounted the tire on w/out it being 100% dead on center, but I wouldnt know how to do it any more accurately than how I did it. Contacted a heavy truck shop on westgate road in Raleigh off glenwood, they won't touch them either.
^^Yeah that was my original thought...But its torqued to spec, and drove fine with my 35's on regular steel rims. Plus, I've tried all four wheels at different corners to see what happens, and I get a slightly different result each time. I guess I need to take them apart one by one and re-center the outer 1/2 of the wheel and go from there
its possible you have an out of round wheel or a busted belt tire
^^Yes, as I found last night....that is the case.. I found a place that can handle it (Super Trucks plus) in Raleigh...These guys build the big boys runnin 54's and such, but I'd never heard of them. They did say, however that they could be upwards of 4-500 bucks to balance all 4, pending how many times they had to disassemble the wheels.
So, I pulled 1 bolt off each wheel last night and looky there, all four of them are almost 1/4" off center with the inside 1/2 of the wheel. Seeing as the outer half is a good 20-25 pounds, this is DEFINETLY my issue.
My plan is to unbolt them and reinstall the 2 halves together using lug-centric lug nuts to keep them centered....Good thing I found this too, b/c there is NO way any shop could balance them as the entire f-ing wheel is bascially crooked as hell.
I should note that Andy from TWF suggested this to me the other day, and sure enough its my problem. I'll spend the next few evenings dissassembling and re-assembling the wheels and post back with results.
Glad you figured it out. If you drive this on the road, I would recommend still adding some more beads to each just to be safe.