I think you can be too skinny and you can be too wide, where the extreems are would varry for a particular setup/weight etc.. There is a wide middle ground where personal preference lies. I think in very specific situations were the traction is constant a specific tire size can be a benifit.. But as soon as you factor in the dynamics of offroad all that changes and you back to the old tire debates...
Its easy to calculate the best tire on a track for a particular day/race etc.. While a racer will argue the track changes, (it does) I'd say its farily consistant when compared to 4x4 terrain, rocks, dirt, mud, slickrock etc...
Out west where your more apt to see a particular type of rock for length of time, I can see people makeing good cases tire X over tire Y... I think the left coast ppl are slowly seeing that the terrain over here is really NOT the same and does require a different style of wheeling... AKA, more gas at times, but maybe not full on Dan Dibble amounts..