title transfer


builds more then wheels
Feb 8, 2008
Bessemer City, NC
I know this is prob a question thats asked a million times but I seem to cant find it.
Bought my gf a wj from a guy. Got the title notarized and now im wanting to send it off. Do I need it inspected them send title off or what? What are the steps?
If bought out of state, you can get it transferred without an inspection. If bought in NC, you are supposed to get it inspected first. However, I've bought and sold a few, and 3 out of 4 didn't have to be inspected even though it was NC to NC. I'd take a ride up to the tag office in Lincolnton or Gastonia and try to get a tag. Worst they can say is that it has to be inspected first.
But it has to be inspected first also?

If you want a tag, it has to be inspected. Matt might have gotten off w/o one if there was a current, valid inspection on the vehicle already. If it doesn't have an inspection, I think you can get a temp tag, or maybe they give you the tag and you have to get it inspected within 30 days. That's the way it used to work.

If you just want to transfer the title and not get tags, no inspection necessary.
Unless it's changed recently???
NCDMV has never offered a "temporary tag" like all other local states do. You have to know a "dealer" to get a temp tag of sorts and they are the liable party. This was one of the "weird NCDMV things" I came across when I moved here from TN...

As for inspection, the person buying will be the one responsible for any inspections needed before they can get a tag. But last I was told, NC to NC doesn't require an inspection for it SHOULD already be in the system by VIN?? Only out-of-state registered vehicles do? (totally opposite as mentioned above) This was from a call through NCDMV like only 2 months ago for I was interested in a truck from Arizona at the time... It was only a cab and chassis so I scrapped the idea knowing I was only going to resell for parts and not a restore.

If inspection is needed: 1996 and above need emissions and safety. ALLLLL others require safety no matter the age. 30 years and older just need safety 1 time per owner.
NCDMV has never offered a "temporary tag" like all other local states do. You have to know a "dealer" to get a temp tag of sorts and they are the liable party. This was one of the "weird NCDMV things" I came across when I moved here from TN...

They don't actually give you a "tag", but they do have a 10 day permit. It's just a piece of paper that says you are legal for 10 days. Doesn't prevent you from getting pulled over, just when you do get pulled over for not having a tag, you can show the officer your paper and he will send you on your way assuming you haven't done something ELSE wrong. I just hate giving an officer an excuse to pull me over even if I know I'm in the right.

As was told me by the DMV when I got one for my truck, don't put another license plate on in an effort to not get pulled over. The permit makes you legal, putting a fake plate on would nullify the permit in the eyes of the officer.
^^^ ANOTHER wierd NC thing, Don't EVER put a tag on a vehicle that don't belong. Results in Illigal Registration charges and mandatory tag confinscation. Been there, done that...:rolleyes: No points on license but fees heavily along with 30 days to register vehicle no matter the case. I had to do ALOT of work on the trasported parts truck that time to keep title "title-able" in NC. In TN you used to be able to place a tag on a vehicle temporarily to transport a vehicle as long as tag is registered up-to-date and in your name. I haven't lived in TN in 20 years... ALOT has changed there since.

But... NC is the only state that I know that will turn a cheek for you to transport a vehicle without a tag. The more I give thought to this, the more it makes sense in the long run... Also I notice alot of cardboard sharpie "lost tags" taped in the window.
shouldn't need an inspection the first time around when you buy a used vehicle. It seems a bit counter intuitive I know (you basically get a freebie) but I have done it several times. All mine have been tagged vehicles from the seller but I don't believe that matters you are not using their inspection I don't think, you just get a gimmie for a year. You will go in, pay your title fee ($40 I think), the HUT (3% of value) and pay your tag fees and walk out. Your first inspection will be due at the 1 year mark (can do up to 90 days in advance) when you RENEW your tags. Not sure what you mean by sending the title off, I'd get my backside up to the tag offices and do it in person. Screw mailing anything especially this time of year with closings etc. Would hate to lose it or have a problem, much easier to talk your way through things with a nice DMV worker (they actually do exist, at least up here in Burlington they are great). Hope is goes smoothly.
I use Town of Cary DMV when I can. They are wonderful... DMV's vary GREATLY. I read in the paper NC-DMV is now working on "customer appreciation" practices.

Go to Durham at Northgate if you really want to walk out mad.:D And even made that mistake twice...:rolleyes:
I'll drive 45 minutes before ever going back there again.