TJ electric fan conversion


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2005
Creedmoor, NC
I searched the site and found old info. Looks like I might have to do a water pump on my 97 TJ. I am pondering an electric fan because the Jeep has a 1" body lift and 1" motor mount lift. You'd think everything would line up good but it doesn't. It's all hosed up and I had to get creative on the shroud mounting when I replaced the radiator a few months ago. It's a stock radiator. I'm looking for a bolt on solution. Not really looking to search the boneyards for the right thing. This has been going on long enough and I am sure there must be some bolt on solutions instead of the Taurus thing. If you have done it can you help me out with the info?
Don't the body lift kits usually include little straps the same height as the lift to lower the shroud? If you convert to electric fan, I'd add a temp controlled fan switch to control the fan..
Don't the body lift kits usually include little straps the same height as the lift to lower the shroud? If you convert to electric fan, I'd add a temp controlled fan switch to control the fan..
Definitely going with a temp control.
I bought the thing with a 3" body lift. I removed it and added the 1" bl and mm lift cause I thought I might try a nearly flat skid then life happened. With a 1"mm and 1"bl you'd think the shroud would line up.
Definitely going with a temp control.
I bought the thing with a 3" body lift. I removed it and added the 1" bl and mm lift cause I thought I might try a nearly flat skid then life happened. With a 1"mm and 1"bl you'd think the shroud would line up.

Is the shroud high or low relative to the fan?

I have a collection of Brown Dog motor mounts for our TJs. Seems like every time you change anything, the motor mounts need to be adjusted.
Definitely going with a temp control.
I bought the thing with a 3" body lift. I removed it and added the 1" bl and mm lift cause I thought I might try a nearly flat skid then life happened. With a 1"mm and 1"bl you'd think the shroud would line up.

It should, mine did with the bl and mml.