TJ Electrical weirdness


Mar 24, 2005
Stanley, NC
Got some weird things occurring.
1. I've got a Taurus 2 speed electric fan, ground straight to the battery, and the hot lead through a 35 amp switch, then to a relay controlled by the ignition switch. (Allows me to cut it off for all those water crossings that I never do anyway, a really pointless thing). The fan seems to work sporadically. Didn't work the past 3 times I drove the jeep, then worked perfectly fine with no change this morning. I assumed it was a problem with the relay or switch.

2. Radio works sporadically. It is a removable face style, so I assumed it was too much dust and water in the connections. Worked on and off, but wasn't working at all yesterday. Worked perfectly fine today.

3. Turn signal switch works sporadically. Didn't work yesterday, but worked fine this morning. I think its worth noting the high beams switch still works, and the emergency flashers still work even when the turn signal switch doesn't. When it doesn't work, I don't get the actual signal flashing, or the indicator on the dash, or the click for the relay.

I didn't notice any relationship, until suddenly everything is working right, and it seems like no coincidence. Im thinking it's some kind of common ground. Anybody seen anything like this before?

Thanks in advance.
I wouldnt thinkthat it would be linked to each other. Have you had a chance to put a dmm on it yet? Ck to see if voltage is there.
Haven't checked anything yet. Its an on or off kind of thing. Not showing any signs of low voltage (though the radio and turn signals could be affected by that).
check the body ground off the battery for radio and light switch are these problems occuring together.

as for fan obviously check ground at battery and check your power connections. for fans, b/c fans draw so much current they can eat connections any poor connection can cuase them not to work. where a light would work fine a fan won't spin further more once it starts to spin it will continue to spin. Starting is the hardest part.
Double checked the firewall ground yesterday, going to do some more digging today.

The fan has screw terminals at the battery, and is run with 10 gauge wire. The crimp connections are super tight, and won't move or pull out.

I'll update if I find anything.
do they all work and not work together, making you think its a common issue....

also, does it seem to be based on the key switch turn? Meaning, when you turn the key on, will they all work or not work the whole time the key is on, or will they cut in/out randomly while driving?