i am totally open to hearing peoples' reasons( i would like to hear the justification), but i cannot fathom spending thousands of dollars on a freaking box......... i have a small box that i use when i need to be mobile, but otherwise i use small, single purpose containers on the shelves. if i need to tap a hole, i grab the tap box, brakes? i grab the brake tool bag, and so on... but why spend more than ive got in my entire rig on a damn toolbox?
WOW, there are SO many different reasons.
Having a box large enough to hold everything is sometimes a goal, sometimes a trophy, and sometimes, an ego trip.
As a professional, having a box that WORKS EVERY TIME I open and close the drawers, having something large enough to hold all the tools ( would you believe some techinians/mechanincs have more invested in tools than they do their home and vehicles combined ? )
A quality built box is a nessesity. I had a Craftsman top and bottom cab and chest, and when I had it at home, it was fine.
when I started wrenching professionally, I wore out the drawer slides, and broke a drwer, too much weight from the tools I had added and tried to store.
So I bought a nice USED SNappy box, worked well, held everything and then some, then it got full again. Traded up to yet a larger box, and started again. But, then I my career direction made a turn and " The Box" was now too big and has been sold off.
Now I am back to a Craftsman box in a mobile environment, and it'll stay cheap, tool boxes in vehicles ( aka "Road Boxes" ) have a real tough life, even the ones designed as "Road Boxes) don't live long in a mobile environment.
The trick is to buy the best you can for the least amount possible. Horse trading at its finest. Know the market, and exploit it.
I never understood spending thousands on a "theme" box, $10k, for a bright orange box with a Camero on it never made sense to me. There are many others out there who think it's the coolest thing since sliced bread.
Function goes so much further than cool.
I don't know what you do professsionally, if you don't use your tools to make a living, you really don't NEED the big spendy boxes.
OH, and for those who say "For the security of having stuff locked up in a quality box" Thats horeshit, ANY tool box can be opened without a key, I have a $3500 list of proof as to how I know this.
Locks are to keep the honest folks honest, a thief will get what he wants, it don't cost him much at all.