Top notch CB gear?


New Member
Mar 20, 2007
I'm considering the Cobra 29WXNWST or the Uniden PC78 Elite from Walcott with all the upgrades/peak tune and a Wilson FGT Fiberglass Antenna 5 Foot.

Looking for opinions on this setup or if there's a better way to go. I'm looking to install top quality gear.

I've been out of the CB world for some time so I'm in the dark on quality gear these days.

I've read good and bad things about both radios.

I'd say you should be good to go with either. Im personally a fan of the cobra 29 and a 102" stainless whip, but that doesn't really fit for everybody. Here lately I've been doing some reading and when I decide to buy a new radio it would be a Galaxy DX959. Haven't read anything but good for that radio.
The 959 certainly does look good. That auto SWR adjustment sounds like a real nice feature. It seems like back in the 70's a special license wasn't required for SSB. Has that changed? Or perhaps there always has been a requirement.
Nope, there is no license that I know of just to use the SSB. If your wanting to do some more research on the subject, I would recomend the forums at
Since a side mount mic would not work for my application, I'm seriously looking at the 979. The 979 also has an iluminated face plate.
The only reason you would need a license is if you are pushing more than 3 watts with your radio. Most radios come from the factory at about 3, but any good radio shop can turn that up a bit.