Toy e-locker motor blockoff plate?


You look like a monkey and smell like one too
May 18, 2005
Churchville, MD
Motor for my E-locker is toast.
While I'd love to get a replacement (anybody got one cheap?),
Honestly for the last year I've just been taking the motor off and manually engaging it the night before a trip/race,then put it back on, and drive it like a spool, then later undo it.
Not ideal but it works :lol: go through a lot of 75w90 though :shaking:

been thinking it looks to be pretty easy to just make a block-off plate covering the hole, and perhaps make a little lever sticking out that pushes the gear back and forth... so I could easily engage it.

Anybody ever done this? The plate would be cake, but not sure how to make such a lever so that it stays fluid tight.
Dont know if they are still around but downey offroad used to sell a cable conversion for the elocker. Might be able to find some pics floating around and copy it.
you thought about rebuilding the motor. I just bought one and the motor didnt work, took teh motor apart and found that the electic grease in the spring housing was no longer grease but caked muck. Regreased and cleaned the contacts and it works fine now.
I dont know about not working properly. I had a friend with a set of FJ80 e locked axles under his sammy that bought a set and they worked fine for him once he got them adjusted correctly.
Yeah the downey cables are no longer available anywhere, and yes I've read many mixed comments on them.
I was thinking something alot simpler, literally just a lever to switch or slide across.

I did give the motor an inspection, looking for grease/muck-related problems but there wasn't anything obvious... but I don't actually disassemble the motor itself. I may just make up a simple plate to plug the hole so I can have the motor off for awhile and work on it.
I would be willing to bet you could find a replacement electric motor if you searched long enough online.

As for a plate and switch... possibly find a ball valve t-fitting cap the ends and replace the ball with the motor shaft and gear from the actuator so it engages the shift rail????

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Talk to Chase (ECGS) when I had problems with mine he mentioned he had a guy that could rebuild them pretty reasonable. Mine had a wire from the motor winding break loose.