Toy trans/t case ??


Gov retirement < needs to live
May 31, 2012
Aberdeen, NC.
I bought a 5 spd Toyota trans from @ProbablyBroke while I was in NC. From what I can tell based on the marlin site it’s a w56d/ forward shift set up. Now I’m trying to find a forward shift tcase to go behind it. I have had no such luck. I do have the tcase from behind the old 4spd that came out of my truck (‘81). I know they are both 21 spline and from everything I can tell they will bolt up but how do I adapt one or the other to shift the tcase as the case I have is a top shift. I can post pics if required. TIA.
I think you can just bolt that case up to the transmission and bolt a block off plate on where the forward shifter would have been. I've never done it but I think thats it.
I think you can just bolt that case up to the transmission and bolt a block off plate on where the forward shifter would have been. I've never done it but I think thats it.

So I need to find a single trans shifter then? The one I have is a combo trans/tcase shifter.
post up a pic if you get a chance. To my knowledge the back of the trans will have a place for the t case shifter rails to slide in, then the shifter bolts on to the trans to actuate the rails. With the top shift case the only difference is the shift rails don't stick out like a forward shift.
I think some of the fwd shift trannys had a 6 bolt double shifter plate... Like he is talking about... Not the one pictured. I would imagine you could make sose sort of block off to go where the transfer case shifter goes, then just use a top shift shifter. Fwd shift cases were in ifs carb trucks. You should be able to find one pretty easy. Are you doing a doubler or a single? If you use a fed shift case up front you have to trim the shift rail otherwise it kicks the rear case out of gear.
I’m just going to run a single case for now and hoping I can use the one I have cause I can’t find any options down here except the one JY that has a fed shift case and they want $400 for it!!

The 5spd trans I have0039DFB5-A1F5-4EBC-8A58-4CD711A92A53.jpegA73BBEAE-9430-4B7C-8C59-778003D8AB74.jpeg
My old 4spd and tcase sorry it’s so nasty I wasn’t going to power wash it if I couldn’t use it

@BigGreenMonster do you think I could just pull the tcase shift handle out of the 6 bolt top plate and roll with it (given I’d seal the hole it left)?


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I am pretty sure that is a g54... It is probably just as good as a w56.

I think what you can do, is take the fwd shift shifter and cut it off above and below the cup. Then reinstall it like it was whole. That will plug the hole. The top shift case should be self sufficient. I am fairly certain I did something like that for a brief time while I ran the g54 tranny... I think I had the shifter in there just floppin around. The mounting face and splines are the same.