Toyota axles in a CJ?


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2005
Greensboro, NC
Just curious if anyone on our board is running toy axles in their jeep? Im thinking hard about going that route with my little 75 cj-5. Gonna keep it small and low. Im researching now abt the best springs to use SUA. Leaning toward 7-leaf waggy fronts all around or Holbrook specialties long leaves. The latter are kinda spendy and super long, but so far I've only read good things abt them. Max tire size will be 35's but id rather stay w 33's.

If anyone here has done something similar id like to hear abt it...
My jeep has a close ratio t18/d20 now and id like to upgrade to the granny version and a 4:1 d300 at some point. With 4:10's in the toys that'd put pretty close to 100:1 final which might be excessive only running 33's. What do y'all think??
One thing is, I want plenty of control when trying technical stuff running that short of a wheelbase. I only plan to stretch it a couple inches, and mostly in the front if I can. Id like to push the rear back for more driveshaft, but I don't want to have to put a fuel cell in the bed so I can haul stuff/folks
check out over on there are several guys running them under CJ's. heres a link to one:!-Here-we-go
with the yota axles youd be able to out board the springs, i think the sping mounts are about 6? inches wider on them. that should help with stability.

Thanks man, yeah im a member over there too. Actually the front only needs to be outboarded 3/4" on each side. Intermediate cjs have 27.5" spring centers and Toyota uses 29". The rear would just be a matter of moving the perches to CJ width. I have even considered frenching the perch into the third member housing on the passenger side of the toy axle to try and keep from out boarding, prob more work than it'd be worth though. I was only able to find one guy over there who had done it, but ill dig a little harder.
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