Toyota Camry Engine Swap


Mar 11, 2005
Raleigh, NC
So, two co-workers blew an engine in their Camries last week. One is under warranty and is getting done by Toyota. The other is pricing "Drop-in" and "Engine Express", but was looking for other options, and info on the companies.

Any ideas? I was hoping to catch Kevin on at lunch, but I JUST got on myself.

They're not car folks, so no telling without seeing it or reading a report I know that it broke the block, so no core and pricing has to be readjusted accordingly (they didn't realize this would be important when calling about pricing).

They're looking at the 3-5k range with a warranty (they're willing to pay more for that).

Engine Express did my 258 a couple of years ago...I've got mixed feelings about it. I think the motor is good and solid. But the workmanship and attention to detail was lacking...they broke off the locking tabs on just about every electrical connector on my motor (MOPAR MPI). They FUBAR'd my K&N filter, and replaced it...but with a different size one (it was still big enough...). Jimmy was good to work of those "Good old Brooklyn Boys". Was more than happy to help with any questions or problems (exhaust leak) after it was done.