Toyota Electrical problem


New Member
Apr 20, 2005
Cary, NC
The subject vehicle is a 1997 Toyota 4Runner -6cyl. Its my wife's DD.

I put a 3-year battery in it about 3.5 years ago. Its was a 500CCA Sears Diehard Gold something. Last night I bought a 700CCA Sears Diehard gold something and replaced it this morning before work. The counter dude suggested the 700CCA one claiming the specs call for 585CCA. It started right up after and I thought I was good to go.

Got the call this afternoon saying when she turned the key, (while waiting on line at the school carpool line no less) nothing happened. I am taking that as no power to the starter solenoid or something. I guess she tried it a few times and it finally clicked.

This vehicle has been so reliable, I don't know that much about it. I am going to check my grounds but I am wondering what the life expectancy of a starter is. Any help would be appreciated.:beer:
Check the starter solonoid thats what happened to me after a while you would have to click it several times before it would start and one day it engaged the starter but never dis-engaged it
i had to disconnect the battery.
It's the contacts in the starter. Just keep trying the starter till it catches. Eventually you'll have to get the contacts and replace them. Had to do this to my '97 4runner. $40 something for both contacts from the dealer. Is it 2 or 4wd? 2wd is a piece of cake to get the starter out. The 4wd it ain't to say the least. oldyota same thing for you. Mine stuck on a couple of times.
Its 4WD. I will double check frayed / loose wires, good neutral safety and check the relay. If that checks out, then I'll go after the solenoid. I am not sure if the gear reduction unit and solenoid have to come out as one, then diassamble or if I can get the solenoid out alone. I had to work late so I will tackle it in the am. Thanks.
Not contacts in the solenoid, the contacts in the starter motor itself. They are what rub on the rotor to send power to it.