toyota guys help please, 7.1 ring gear stuff


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2013
Newton, NC
hey everyone, I'm trying to source toyota 7.1 rear diff rebuild kit and nothing comes up...hardly no info on it either. Everything is for 7.5" or 8" and newer but nothing on the 7.1"
This is for 89 Toyota Van 4x4 with coil sprung rear diff, ring gear measures right at 7" so obviously it's a 7.1" Any help would be great, thank you
i tried looking to see if possibly the 7.1 and 7.5 use the same rebuild kits?!?! but nothing is really coming up ...I'm starting to think that is the case? I'm new to all this toyota stuff
Have you tried writing down the bearing and seal numbers and then cross reference online?
will be doing that this morning, ran out of time yesterday to do so and was just starting to search for a "kit" but that didn't pan out very well after couple hours of searching lol
I keep finding "kits" now available for these vans, rear diff specifically but in the "parts list" they all say 7.5" ring gear so I'm almost sure the 7.1 and 7.5 differentials use the same kit...will know for sure later on