Toyota guys

cat is already gone, fuel pump, filter, and all lines are new along with a fresh tuneup. Other than the missing cat and a Flowmaster the engine is stock.
Ignition timing? 22r or re? If it's an r it could be the accel pump diaphram in the carb broken and dumping fuel.
Ignition timing? 22r or re? If it's an r it could be the accel pump diaphram in the carb broken and dumping fuel.
Timing is on and it's a 22re.

has the afm been messed with?
Not to our knowledge.

It runs good, fires right up. It just has an intermitent stumble every so often while going down the road. Doesn't do it at any particular time just randomly. Sometimes it almost sounds like a lean fart. You can smell unburned fuel but it's not making any black smoke. It almost seems like it's not burning all the fuel it's getting.
I'm having the exact same problem with a new build on a 22RE. Decent power when tached, but low-end power and mileage suck. I swapped the mass air flow this afternoon, helped, but it's still not right. Any ideas on how to test the TPS? Has anyone run a 22RE w/o a CAT with success?



testing this is from alldata if this is not helpfull i can print the stuff off the toyota dealer wedsite and email it or fax it to you.


22R-E & 22R-TE Engines

1. Disconnect throttle position sensor wire connector.
2. Using suitable ohmmeter and feeler gauge inserted between throttle lever and stop screw, take the following resistance measurements:

1. With throttle closed, measure between terminals VTA and E2, Fig. 74. Resistance should be 200-800 ohms.
2. With throttle lever and stop clearance of 0.0224 inch (.57 mm), measure between IDL and E2. Resistance should be less than 2300 ohms on pickup and 4Runner or less than 100 ohms on Celica models.
3. With throttle lever and stop clearance of 0.0335 inch (.85 mm), measure between IDL and E2. Resistance should be infinity.
4. With throttle valve fully opened, measure between VTA and E2. Resistance should be 3300-10,000 ohms.
5. With throttle valve in any position, measure between Vcc and E2. Resistance should be should be 3000-7000 ohms.

3. If switch fails to operate as specified, adjust switch as follows:

1. Loosen switch attaching screws, then insert a 0.0185 inch (.47 mm) feeler gauge between throttle lever and stop screw.
2. Connect ohmmeter between IDL and E2 terminals.
3. Rotate switch clockwise until ohmmeter needle deflects.
4. Tighten attaching screws, then repeat step 2.

4. If switch fails to perform as indicated, switch is defective.