toyota no start, help !!!


Active Member
Dec 10, 2006
lincolnton nc
ok heres the situation, last sat i was at ure and my 1985 toyota with a 22re just shut off on the trail and had to tow it out. for the past couple days i been tracing , tell and help me if im wrong. ok i got no check engine light, technically. when i turn the ignition on , no light. but when i turn it off the check engine light comes on dim. i think i sourced it down to efi relay or igition switch. i have batt voltage on one terminal from the under hood fuse, and i have batt voltage on the other terminal with the igniton switch on. this is at the efi relay. then theres the terminal that goes to the circuit opening relay. ok heres where im weired out, the last terminal which should be ground when the ignition is turned on has ground all the time and the resistence is the same with the ignition on or off. the other thing is i have 12 volts at the fuel pump and it doesnt turn on, but i jumped my park light power to the fuel pump and i runs. i thinkin that because of the funky ground at the efi relay im not getting enough amps to power my fuel pump. please help me out if anyone has ideas or has seen this before.
check your ground staps to the engine. toyota is bad about doing crazy things when they are missing a ground. the other thing is "K.I.S.S"try to turn it over and check all the basics first, are you geting fire? are you getting fuel? what else is not working? dont worry about the "check engine" light that year truck wont tell you much. good luck!!!!
Almost sounds like a battery short.
Agree w/ KISS, start at the battery and trace that you have correct voltage through each circuit. Start by just chekcing continuity of ground between the block, body, and neg terminal. then for proper 12v at the main fuse relay at pass side fender, then on teh ignition cirucit, etc.
If you were out wheeling and it just heppend all the sudden, i'd think it's going to be something that disconnected.
ok ill try the grounds also, but i think i narrowed it down to that i have 5.5volts coming back to the efi relay with the key off and 12volts with the key on, thats at the terminal that ecu supplys power to. still think its a ground??
ok ok, lol. well it isnt the ecu , i swapped out a know good one and it still does the same thing. another thing should the injectors have voltage on both pins on each injector???
with out some "noids" your better off to forget about injectors. remember if it just dies like you turned it off then your problem is going to be somthing simple you are geting to complex with this, check ALL your ground straps then ALL your fuses. does it crank but no start? if so is there fire? if not check your dist cap. do you have fire but no fuel? check for fuel press......ECT....I still think you have a ground problem, good luck
ok theres suppose to be 2 ground wires that suppose to be on the intake can you guys give me the colors of those wires. my connectors are there but no wires. i have some loose wires around the intake from me converting this truck from auto to manuel so they all blend together.
Pull a plug and see if you've got spark. Then see if you've got fuel injection, i.e. noid light. If no spark it could be the coil or the igniter. Also if you pull the plug and it's wet after trying to start, you've got fuel. If you got fuel and spark, it's timing.
i got spark , i sprayed some fuel down the intake and it ran. im gonna try to reconnect the grounds to the intake tonight and see if that makes a difference.
Fuel pump?
kelly make sure you have good grounds on the block,frame,and body then pop that relay case off mash on it make it work if it runs you have relay problem my truck has ground strap plus when we hwere riding that day notice you didn't have body ground that alone would cause problems your relay and ignition ground to body if just ground to mototr hard go through that rubber mount and rubber body mounts my .02
what color are your grounds on your intake chris. mine arnt hooked up. i have a bundle of wires under my intake and cant tell which ones are my grounds.
kelly you guys have alldata at honda right does it not tell anything about trouble shooting or mitchell should tell you what wires look for
i was right, there are three ground wires that go to the intake two white with black stripes and a brown wire that are grounds for the ecu. so there you go grounds can cause some crazy a$$ electrical problems. now all i need is a tow rig. lol