toyota pickup cab swap


New Member
Nov 12, 2008
simpsonville sc
I'm swaping an 85 xtra cab efi for a none efi xtra cab. what do I need to swicth over from the efi cab as far as wiring and such . I also want to do this with out removing the engine if possible . any help,suggestions or heads up would be a great help. Thank JD:driver:
You will need EFI wiring harness, and to cut hole in firewall where harness goes thru to ECM under pass side dash.

the basic truck harness is the same, EFI has the ability to be stand alone if you are careful.

you'll also need ot be sure you have the power feeds for the fuel pump as well.

If the oppotunity presents, set them side by side and carefully check the differances.
Thanks Blkvoodoo, This is a fully optioned sr5 with all the bells and whistels . Will I need to switch the entire wiring harness? My new cab is not an sr5. JD:shaking::confused:
I'm in the process of doing the same thing but im putting a regular cab on a extra cab frames. ITS A PAIN IN THE BUTT!!!!!