toyota problom

New Member
Jan 20, 2011
ok guys i know this is the wroung section but it wont let me post in tech so here it goes this is problly a stupid question but should i put lock tight on the bolts that bolt the drive shaft to the rearend please i need help thanks
its not a trail rig more of a dd and mudder i aint never been into crawlin much but i was driven down the highway toyday and my truck started shakin so 45 min later i pull in my drive way and look 3 of the 4 bolts had almost backed all the way out i tighnted them snug and now wondrin if its still safe or somethin i should look into?
Lock washers, regular maintenance and inspections, you should be good.

This. Especially if you like the mud...

Also, welcome to the board! Introduce yourself and maybe someone will sponsor you so you can post in the tech forum. :driver:
thanks for the addcive guys i drove it almost the hole day today and took her off raod a couple times and checked after all that so im hopin they stay for a pretty good while ill post pics of it if yall like