Trader Joe's in Louisburg


running dog lackey of the oppressor class
Mar 13, 2005
Raleigh, NC
Anybody know if it's still there?
Don't know but they have a great wine called "two buck Chuck"
That's a different Trader Joe. The guy I'm talking about sells CB, ham, and misc electronic stuff.

It's way the fawk up in the sticks, halfway between Rolesville and Louisburg, I guess. Kinda near WF, too.
Drove 401 from Louisburg to Raleigh this morning and didn't see it anywhere. But then again, I didn't know where to look.
Hwy 401 between hwy 96 and hwy 98 ( half mile before 401 and 98 cross ) turn left (north) on Sid Eves Road, concrete block building on right side 1/2 mile from the Sid Eve's/ hwy 98 intersection, should have radio antennas all over it.

I haven't been there in a few years, no idea if Joe or his son are still in business.

he's word of mouth and on air, ( HAM and CB ) hours are usually 6pm-9pm M-F til 1 or 2 on Sat IF he's still there. at one time he was selling a lot of stuff on Ebay