Trail rating system


Jul 4, 2013
A couple of questions. I'm new to NC 8 months and new to this forum.

1. I see a lot of get togethers in the Upcoming events but I don't see anything for trail rides. Lots of festivals but trails rides are where?

2. Is there a rating system for trails in NC? This is a link to what I was used to...

I want to get out but is there no where to go?

If I have no use for my Jeep as I once did I kind of feel I should get my truck 3500 dodge ram.

Your thoughts?
in just a couple of weeks,UNF will open for the season. For bigger venues,go westward young man into Tennessee or Kentucky. Look into the list of legal wheeling places and that will give you an idea of what you are looking at.Unless Doe Mountain in Mt.City opens up to full size rigs,I'm stuck with 400+mile one way trips to anywhere other than UNF.There are places,just none really right out your back door.
Something to keep in mind about trail ratings is they can change (sometimes instantly) w a little rain,ESP @ Haraln KY.
You can forget about vast trails and forest to drive around in. East Carolina has jack shit in that area.
There's several places to go.

As for trail ratings, it has much to do with experience and fear. You will find a similar rating system here, but it is not consistent.
I looked on the map for where Hendersonville was located.You are in a fairly good location to make the big parks without it being a major headache except for harlan Kentucky and the trails in West Virginy.
looks like you got some folks that live in the same town that are on here.Might want to put out a call for locals and meet up that way you got some folks to go with.