Transfercase ID


everyday is a chance to get better
Apr 10, 2005
Greenville, NC
Anyone know how to break-down the ID numbers on a transfercase?

Its either a Scout D20 or 300.

I'm thinking its a 300, but want to verify.

I found it for sale, but before I buy, I want to make sure its a 300.

numbers on transfercase: 300-772-7 421-764091

year is unknown and is behind a 727
Dana 300s have aluminum output sections on the rear of the case (silver in color). Dana 20s have cast steel output housings and have a round vent on the top. I just posted in a thread on Pirate about this last week or so, let me find you the pictures.
thanks. I've got some D300s, but not really that familiary with the D20 nor really know how to tell the difference.

If I could look at it I'd be able to tell, but I'm really going by the numbers I have, and don't have any pics...
Here are the differences:

Dana 300
Rear output shaft bearing retainer = aluminum
Front output shaft bearing retainer = aluminum
Bottom inspection cover = VERY shallow (+/- 1/2")
Speedo Cable attaches on Passenger Side
Attaches to Transmission with 4 bolts

Dana 20
Rear output shaft bearing retainer = steel
Front output shaft bearing retainer = steel
Bottom inspection cover = Deeper (+/- 1 1/2")
Speedo Cable attaches on Driver Side
Attaches to Transmission with 5 bolts

The side that the speedo is on should be a dead giveaway.
