Trayvon Martin Case


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2007
High Point, NC
I don't know all the details but from what I understand, George Zimmerman, who was a neighborhood watch or something like that got into a scrap with Trayvon, while George said Trayvon brokehis nose and George Zimmerman was only defending himself and shot and killed question is...why is this on the news? is it because this is being considered a hate crime? Isn't george zimmerman hispanic?
I think this case is rediculous.....I hate to sound like I am a racist, but whenever I see Al sharpton involved in ANYTHING...I know its to do something with race.....

please inform me on this situation....
in the beginning, when the story broke, they said the neighborhood watchman shot him because he was black and a "gangsta" but he was just walking home so they said (no scuffle). now the truth's coming out about it the real situation.
Yes and no.

All the information that's "just now coming to light" was in the police report. But some people saw an opportunity for political gain in the story... and have used it to their benefit, facts notwithstanding.
Personally, I think the case has been blown WAY out of proportion by a lot of opportunistic celebrities trying to cash in on some incindiary soundbites. That being said, there was something that struck me as odd right off the bat - why is someone on a "neighborhood WATCH" armed in the first place? Isn't his role as a neighborhood watch to alert the police to wrongdoing? Even if he was in the right, he gave a lot of ammunition (pardon the pun) to the defense to be portrayed as a vigilante.

I think the public response is the most insane part, though. The Black Panthers have put a bounty on his head over this, school children have walked out of their classes (yeah.... LESS education is the answer!), Will Smith has spoken out against it and Obama has even said that Trayvon looks like the son he never had. This won't end well.
If I lived in a hood that needed watching, I would be packing. I have one within reach right now. If someone has evil intent and acts, or attempts to act out on it, I will shoot them. Let the court decide the facts.

No law was broken by carrying a legal handgun. By the time the talking heads on the evening news get done with it, reality will be molded in the direction they want it to go. Have you ever heard them retract an opinion or story that was biased? They feed on a certian segment of society that watches the local evening news to keep up with their free government benefits, family members and schoolmates that have shot each other or been arrested for the 15th time. The stations sell ads to meet this demographic. Lets face it... This mean old world runs on power, money, drugs, sex and gasoline. The stations sensationalize to sell ads and gain ratings so they can raise the price of these ads. This rarely equals just 'Reporting' the facts.
I look at it as more of a perfect storm: a wannabe cop that's doesn't know well enough when to stay out of something, a scared kid that doesn't want to talk to the guy following him, and a law that has been possibly misappropriated in the past causing the police to not investigate.

The news media will exploit this for all it's worth & then dump it & move on. Leaving a mess & a guy that, if found innocent, will be hounded the rest of his life no matter the evidence. Yes, he's able to live unlike the kid that was killed, but no quality of life do to the public & media jumping to conclusions & their own judgements.
If I lived in a hood that needed watching, I would be packing. I have one within reach right now. If someone has evil intent and acts, or attempts to act out on it, I will shoot them. Let the court decide the facts.

No law was broken by carrying a legal handgun. By the time the talking heads on the evening news get done with it, reality will be molded in the direction they want it to go. Have you ever heard them retract an opinion or story that was biased? They feed on a certian segment of society that watches the local evening news to keep up with their free government benefits, family members and schoolmates that have shot each other or been arrested for the 15th time. The stations sell ads to meet this demographic. Lets face it... This mean old world runs on power, money, drugs, sex and gasoline. The stations sensationalize to sell ads and gain ratings so they can raise the price of these ads. This rarely equals just 'Reporting' the facts.

From the reports I've seen, it was a gated community not a "hood". He was told by the 911 operator to stay in his vehicle. If all he had to go on was that someone he didn't recognize was walking where he shouldn't be, he should have identified himself as Neighborhood Watch and asked him what he was doing. If it escalates from there, he is well within his rights to defend himself with any means necessary if he was in fear for his life, his possessions or in fear of sexual assault. Proving any of that will be the difficult part. The only picture they show of Trayvon shows him clean cut in a football uniform looking about 12. Nobody has said how he was dressed or what drew Zimmerman's attention to him. CORRECTION - I saw a report today that he WAS in fact wearing a dark hoodie and dark pants - in itself not criminal activity, but probably not the wisest wardrobe selection to go wandering off to a store in the middle of the night. Oh, and P.S. nice parenting - "sure son - walk to the store dressed like a thug to go get some skittles and a tea... I'm sure nobody will think you are a thug and shoot you. Make sure you take your cell phone. Oh and by the way, if you get into some trouble, there's no sense calling US, just handle it yourself...."

If he was walking around a gated subdivision wearing a black hoodie and dark pants looking like he's casing houses then he's suspicious - not necessarily a "threat", but worthy of investigation. If when confronted by a neighborhood watch who properly identified himself, if he wasn't doing anything wrong as has been claimed, then he would have nothing to worry about. When you look at it without any context to the environment, Zimmerman's side may be justified. Now, I remember when I was growing up, I lived in a subdivision in the suburban Detroit area. We had a rash of break-ins where mowers, tools and lawn equipment were being stolend out of unlocked garages. A neighborhood watch was established, but nobody knew who was on it. People started driving around in their own cars and people just assumed that they were neighborhood watch. It actually made it EASIER for the guy who was stealing stuff to get around because people just thought he was on patrol when he was actually casing houses.

I've seen recent news stories of people being pulled over by police impersonators, etc. He may have been concerned about this - who knows. We'll never know his side of the story except what was caught on the 911 tape. Even the phone conversation that he was supposedly in during the altercation is subject to suspicion. Nobody can corroberate the facts of it. Dead people make lousy witnesses.
Unlike the media machine, I will wait until facts are revealed. That said, I think this entire situation is Joe Paterno's fault.
lol, i think it's george bush's fault

no, this whole stupid thing is a HUGE waste of time and energy, just go on about your day and dont worry about it.

2 people were there the night the shooting took place and one of them is dead now. but of course there's people in new york and california that are making assumptions on what happened. al sharpton's fat ass was probably munching on a bucket of fried chicken when it happened, but he knows what really went down. yeah, ok.

just let the courts decide what happened when they have all the FACTS, not the biased opinions of society.
"Now, I remember when I was growing up, I lived in a subdivision in the suburban Detroit area."

Did you ever see Slim Shady driving the new Chrysler 200 and bobbing his head like a real badass? :D

You make some good points. I believe there will always be holes in the system. Common sense and good parenting hopefully will keep your children from being in the wrong place at the wrong time. My oldest son Mark got jumped in his own driveway by 2 punks with a baseball bat. He got out of the car and they came out of the dark. The cause... Wait for it... He was dating his ex girl friend and he was jealous. Whats wrong with people these days? Just walk up and tell me you want to kick my ass and lets see if you can. So with the jail house "sucker punch" attacks that seem to be previlant these days, who knows how it went down. The best witness is dead.
I hate to say it...but if the kid was still alive this would still be an outcry of a hate crime....I am just SO sick of people getting involved that have no ties to the family or the situation....

Actually, Slim Shady (Marshall Mathers, Eminem, etc...) grew up in Warren. Also a Detroit suburb. Not real ghetto, but there were some rough parts of it just like any other municipality. Kid Rock (another "Detroiter" grew up in Romeo, MI (much more rural - about as redneck as Michigan gets) and then moved to Mt Clemens. Also not exactly the "hood". Either area, a white kid would blend right in if he wore ghetto clothes or polos and khakis.
Florida is a werid place on the whole. When I was down there almost all the neighborhoods were gated communities. I saw all kinds of sketchy people (white, black, purple, green, etc...) If the gun rule was held up I would have waste 20+ people that I thought was threating everytime I go down. o_O I beleive in protecting your neighborhood, but it seems it went a little far. Up here we wait till the bad people get in our house before shooting them, it avoids any mistake on the intent. i just hope some good comes out and peace for all the families that are involve and have the only reason to speak out.
Forget color. This is how I was taught to handle guns-
Never point them at anything you don't intend to kill/destroy.
Be absolutely sure what you're shooting at before you pull the trigger.

Zimmerman wasn't a LEO. He wasn't in his house. He was the one carrying a gun, and he's the one who fired it- and didn't hit the "assholes who always get away". He hit a neighborhood teenager who probably did make some bad decisions, who knows? I know if I got hassled by someone who had no legal authority over me when I was 17 ( was 6'2" 220 when I was 17) I'd probably have told him to go fuck his own face, and if his dumbass wanted to pretend that the neighborhood watch gave him cause to tell me what to say or tried to physically detain me (false imprisonment, typically a felony) I might have smashed his head into the ground, who knows?

The only place Zimmerman should have gone after getting his shit handed to him? Home to call 911 and file assault charges.

He wasn't protecting his family or property... Shit, I'll ventilate anyone who tries to fuck with my fam or house but my 12 ga has a barrel & choke made for home defense, it's my house, property, etc.

Seems to me like Zimmerman was a civvy trying to do work outside his scale and fucked it up. If I knew him, maybe I'd be comfortable with him carrying a gun around my neighborhood, but there's just no way I buy him having no option but to kill someone. Police get in that situation, people whose homes are invaded get in that situation... This just sounds nothing like that.

We'll never know, and honestly I'm okay with that. They can stay in the flatlands and all kill each other for all I care. Fuck gated communities, I like living on a gravel road where I don't even have to worry about locking my doors.
Regardless of anyone's race, or what really occured, this is a tragic event. From what I've gathered the shooter was obsessed w being a "watchman". and probably instagated the confrontation. The 911 dispatcher told him to stay in his vehicle and not approach the "suspect". I doubt seriously the young man dragged him out of his vehicle.