Trying to get rid of moles


Mike B.
Feb 21, 2010
Granite Falls
So dad just bought a house and the mole runs were pretty bad and getting worse. He has tried several methods with no luck.

1. Chewing gum stuck in the mole runs. This worked at his last place. I guess they eat the gum, can't pass it and die. Didn't work

2. Treatment for the ground that is supposed to kill all the grubs they eat and force the moles to relocate. ( Didn't work )

3. Electronic tone doohickies. I guess to irritate them. ( Didn't work )

None of these have worked. Anybody on here have any luck getting rid pf these things? The runs are worse along the block foundation and edge of the drive way.

I've heard of people running a hose from a truck exhaust and killing 'em w/ CO... but if it goes under your foundation that dosn't sound ideal ;-)
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Dad has some traps that impels them.
Guess my buddies dad had no idea what he was talking about. Thought it was cruelty to animals stuff.
Awesome! Thanks for all the input. I will pass these along to dad.
moles are protected in the state of nc, those traps and mole baits are illegal

Moles love grubs, but grubs are there second favorite food, earth worms are there favorite, insecticides that kill grubs dont kill earth worms

I have had luck with spraying turf with a solution of 2 parts water 1 part castor oil

they also make it in a granular form called mole scram

good luck they are very hard to get rid of, just a little more info, normally there is 1 mole per 5000 sqft of turf
Two words: miniature dachshunds.

Of course you'll then have 1 foot deep craters everywhere instead of just mole runs but the moles will be gone. As a bonus sometimes they'll leave its dead carcass on your doormat as a present.
Jack Russell dogs work too, ask me how I know.

The lawn mower idea works on fire ants according to a friend of mine.
You can still get the lethal baits in SC and you can get the mole scram at Rountree Plantation in Charlotte