Turn signal wiring


yehaw x10
Mar 28, 2007
Valdese, NC
Anyone out there have experience wiring LED brake/turn signal lights from scratch? I've run every wire in my Jeep and this is the only part I'm stuck on.

I have 2 LED tail lights. They each have 3 wires (ground, bright, dim) The part I can't figure out is the wiring for the brake/turn signal. Example: slowing down to turn, one bright, other blink.

The dim would be used for the parking lights only. Bright would be brake and turn.

I believe most cars use a multifunction switch for this but how would I integrate this into a custom rig? Any experience with this out there?

Look at a chiltons book for an old CJ they have the digram pretty well laid out including what contacts are made in the column etc.. Includes flashers for turn and hazzard. If I get a chance Ill scan it in. I'm planning to do the same thing.
I checked a Chilton's book for a late Wagoneer and it only had a block that said 'multifunction switch' instead of the actual wiring.

I'd like to see what you've got.
Signal Stat makes a turn signal switch that mounts to any column and is universal, cheap and super easy. Tractor and trailers and early buses and milatary vehicles used them!
ditto on the Signal Stat.. put one on a golf cart over the summer. so easy to wire, my sister could do it
sIGNAL sTAT # vsm 900 IS A 7 WIRE KIT Check it out sorry for caps boo boo
ok not as simple as i remember... doable but messy..

Generic Grote Column switch w/ built in blinker bulbs etc..

Generic Motorcycle type - This looks interesting

And I like this one.... $1 bid but another one had $34 BIN price... alum. not plastic... possibly mount on dash grab bar or console bar... just thinking...
I just did this on a cj3b. I used a 3 postion momintar swtich in the dash and some in line flashers. The taillight are a 2 wire light that grounds throught the housing. One wire for parking lights and one for stop/turn. The way i made it work together was to use a 2-3 wire converter for trailer wiring and put it inline to the tailights. worked out great and didn't have to have the big swtich hanging off the colume.