Two items from the news today.


Rarely serious.
Dec 29, 2010
I don't know, I sure don't want my kids to think smoking is cool because they saw a character in a movie they liked do it.

EDIT: Now, if this was an R-rated movie that is different, but difference in a G ad PG movie I can see how smoking might be taken into consideration.
Alcohol needs to be taken more seriously then smoking in PG movies IMO, pretty sure smoking isnt as cool looking thesr days, what is it 1955?

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I have a completely different perspoective now that I have a 3 year old, a 4 year old and a 6 year old. The movies they watch become the reality they live in. That being said, I don't and probably never will have a problem watching a cartoon St. Bernard pour a brownish liquid out of a xxx-barrel around it's neck into a frozen ice-cube and thaw out a person. I think even my 3 year old knows what's in the barrel but I still wouldn't want Jack Daniels or Camel Lights sponsering Lighting McQueen in Cars 4.
I see a lot of you have taken to thinking that the government and its censors are more important to raising your children than their parents are. Smoking in a movie is no different than a cartoon character getting hit with an anvil. We all saw it and knew it was bad and didn't do it. IF seeing someone on the screen smoke or drink causes you problems perhaps you need to take a second look at your parenting choices.
What kills me is that a bare nipple or two people having sex will make a movie R rated but gruesome violence is in just about evey thing on TV these days. I'd much rather have my child see something natural like sex or nudity than something that teaches them how bad people can be. Ten years ago you cringed when someone broke a bone in a motorcycle crash on TV. Now we have shows on predominately teen and younger networks like MTV that celebrate it and think its funny.
I see a lot of you have taken to thinking that the government and its censors are more important to raising your children than their parents are. Smoking in a movie is no different than a cartoon character getting hit with an anvil. We all saw it and knew it was bad and didn't do it. IF seeing someone on the screen smoke or drink causes you problems perhaps you need to take a second look at your parenting choices.
I'm right with you on this one. You teach your kids whats right and wrong so they'll make the right choice when the opportunity arises. If you shelter your kids from everything they won't know how to handle it in the real world when they grow up.
Growing up my best friend was raised in a church private school. 30 minutes of TV a day, no sodas, no girls, no profanity, no baywaytch ( I LOL'd at that one). He had great parents who loved him and gave him anything he wanted. Now he's 28, hates everybody, can't keep a girlfriend, wont talk to his parents and moved to texas to get away from them, been in jail twice. I also know 10 to 15 others he went to the same school with and they are almost all the same way. Coincidence.... I think not.
I see a lot of you have taken to thinking that the government and its censors are more important to raising your children than their parents are. Smoking in a movie is no different than a cartoon character getting hit with an anvil. We all saw it and knew it was bad and didn't do it. IF seeing someone on the screen smoke or drink causes you problems perhaps you need to take a second look at your parenting choices.
If I could have gone down to the store and bought a fucking anvil to throw off my house you bet your ass I would have. Parents can do everything they can to put the fear of God into their kids over certain things, but some things kids just will decide for themselves over.

Maybe it is just me, I am over and above anti-smoking. I lost my grandmother because of smoking. I know it was her decision to smoke, but in the end the cigarettes are what caused the cancer. If I ever caught my kid smoking I would make him eat the pack and deal with the consequences.
Andy Griffith smoked on Mayberry
Everybody smoked in the 50's and 60's. It was a fashion statement of sorts. I was raised totaly shielded from smoking, drinking, sex in movies, etc.. I had keys to the church we attended at 12 yo since we were there constantly. I ran buck wild the minute I slipped the chains and went out on my own. Life taught me my "real world" lessons. I can tell you quite a few large mistakes I would not have made if I werent wondering what was on the other side. Needless to say, Hidding something that looks fun, is the best way to make a kid want to try it. Now that I have 3 of my own, each with distinct personalities, I am proud to say that they are all about as well balanced as I could hope for. Ivy just got back from church camp in Panama City FLA and loved it. I hated it. It took a lot for me to turn the old page and open my mind to what I was missing because my parents forced me to go to church.