Unable to log in from cell phone


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2007
I am using a palm pri on the sprint network. When I try to log in on the phone web it will take me to the redirecting page but then when I get redirected I go back to where I was but it does not log me in. I had a samsung instinct before with sprint as well and I could log in no problem. Is there any way I can fix this? Thanks -Mike
my cell does the same thing with any forum. i think its the phones not the site
try turning on Java script this is what I had to do on my BlackBerry.
I have no problem logging on with my blackberry, but I can't post or reply to PMs because it tells me a title/subject is required, even when I already have one. Any ideas? With my old curve 8330, this wasn't a problem.
i have sprint and have no problems with anything on this site but the amount of time it takes to load
its not a crack berry its a moto q 9c
i have a sprint palm pre, no problems logging on
java is on on my phone, it just let me log in too!!!! I have been able to log in before, just sometimes works and sometimes not.
Blackberries and such have a webbrowser on them that is much like a PC. The others require a mobile use site for phones like FB and youtube. Ever notice you can't access all youtube vids or that you can only log onto FB with one contact?

I ditched by web browser on my LG Touch when I realized it's only a mobile version. Verizon was real short to explain that in the begining, even after I asked!