Unwanted Logouts


One day at a time...
Jun 12, 2007
Cabarrus County (Rimertown)
What is the deal with being automatically short-term log outs? This is happening frequently. I recently spent a few extra minutes typing what I had hoped to be a sensible reply to a thread only to find that I had been prematurely kicked off before I could even post it. This is annoying to say the least!
Cookie corruption issue?

You should be able to stay logged in. If you want to log in every time you visit (keeps Darlene from posting things in your name), then things time out on the server side after 15 minutes of inactivity.

If you're getting kicked off more often than that, I'd recommend deleting all your NC4x4 cookies and trying again.
Interesting... I don't store cookies, but deleted the entire browser cache and all seems to be working just fine now. Appreciate the reply. :beer: