URE 4-16, 4-18

I'm gonna be at teh outpost at about 10 tomorrow, its just gonna be me but hoping to meet up with a group too, pm me if you want my number and well get up

Sounds great man. PM sent!
ut oh another FLOP, where did this one happen?
show off rock believe it or not! Was messing around like I was gonna go over it and set the belly pan on it. Went to back off and got hung on long arms. Tried to right foot off a few times and jeep turned side ways and flopped and slid te windshield and pillar against the tree. Tried to back out of the flop but diff and long arm were still hung. Too late by the time they were free. It was a fun ride though!
look at that badass sittin in the drivers seat


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im wanting to see the post flop video that ben has, u know, the badass video


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He def. knows how to keep somebody busy! It's funny how we don't flop at Harlan and he flops it at URE. We all knew he wouldn't be happy until he had a picture like this.:driver:
jonnyb got any of the tow pics? lol
i didnt, but im sure someone else got some. thats two jeeps recovered by toyotas in the same day. nicks jeep is perty badass though
hahahaha,BADASS I will get that video and some pics up in the morning!
hahaha thats awesome. I got some pics of some guys around Daniel...dunno who is who on here, or if they are even here at all, but I'll put them up anyway. Here is one of me getting gunning it and getting vertical on Kodak:

I was there all weekend in my red 78 F250 on 39" Boggers, some people where videoing at kodak rock sun around lunch when i crawled it, anybody know who they were? The battery died in our video camera about 1/3 of the way through the crawl.

my yota going over kodak

a few of the yotas!!

Jeep recovery!!

and ofcourse the BADASS video lol!