URE, coming fast!

Your Hot Dog Guy!

Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2008
I was at URE yesterday and looking forward to another season! Cheers goes to Debra Walker for opening a few days early! This will make a great weekend. The Outpost is ready and stocked. Scott Fields has done a great job pulling together the Jamboree with the help of a lot of people! This is our 4th season at the Double Parking Lot, can you believe it? We went from a cart and umbrella to cart and everything but walls! Before this season even gets started, We want to thank every one that has supported us from the beginning to now. I've jumped off dead batteries and plugged tires and gave horses water during the drout(creeks dry). Thanks, Terry & Belinda, Your Hot Dog Guy's
Belinda and I will be at the DP. Snappy will be at the Jamboree on Saturday with BBQ.