URE - Educational Program - READ ATTACHMENT


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2007
Just below the Apex
Received an Email yesterday, Just passing it along:

----- Begin Email -----
Greetings Everyone!

We are getting close to finishing this project and will begin implementing it soon. Getting permissions, Polaris approvals, creating items and battling the USFS has made the process far more difficult then originally expected. Deb Walker was on board with the project and had given permissions but the new DR has other ideas. So we are doing some things differently then originally planned.

Attached is a short power point presentation, in basic format. Keeping it simple and clean. We are asking that you help educate other by sharing it via email, on social media, websites, etc. Please require that your members read and understand rules and regulations and the requests it contains. The more we share this information, the less we will hear "I didn't know" as the excuse on trails for poor behaviors.

November, we will sponsor an Educational Social Event to be held at Kings Mountain Point. During the event we will share the information attached, hold an ed discussion, outline how you can help, give you decals, handouts, reusable garbage bags and other incentives to share with others. The goal of the social will be to educate and connect groups to encourage wheeling, playing and helping together. Your club/group is welcome to bring membership information to the event. We want you connected!

There is strength in numbers !

Thank you for your help and participation,

Robin Touw

----- End Email -----

also a link to Spill Kit info.
Tread Lightly – How to Clean Up Toxic Spills Promptly, Thoroughly, When Driving Outdoors



  • Polaris Educational Program Presentation.pdf
    1.2 MB · Views: 505
Don't Forget Nov 4th

Here is the tentative schedule:

9 Breakfast, set up, prep educators and distribute materials/tablets/tshirts, open chat, educators talk with attendees and ask that they watch a short presentation, register for raffle. People have the opportunity to talk with club representatives and with volunteer orgs.

11 Main Event:

Educational talk
Small Business introductions
Club Rep introductions
Volunteer Services and club impact
OHV Networking, forming our own Collective Association
Deputizing of Junior Trail Deputies
Raffle (this will take at least 1 hr)

The goal of this event is to educate those attending, enlist their help to educate others and build a stronger OHV community/network. Long term goal is to build one of the strongest OHV Communities in the US who not only wheel, but impact communities by doing service work and making a difference while supporting each other, basically building our own little successful world.