URE from where we stood!

Your Hot Dog Guy!

Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2008
We had a blast at URE friday, saturday, and today! Seen so many familiar faces it boggles the mind! It is incredible how many people we have met at the double parking lot and the events! Belinda and I are so lucky to have the best customers/friends that anybody could ask for! Friday night was a little exciting, JT's dog Cleatus was bit by something and we took off to the Cane Brake campground for help! People was woke up and Cleatus was given a shot and not one cent was charged!
The next morning I took some breaded tenderloin and eggs to him and he was much better! I took JT nothing! LOLOLOL I'm sure Cleatus will be fine. The " horse people" were great people to help out without any question at all. I know I'll be a little more friendly to all of them.
Mr. Foote, URE's security officer is the proud father of new twins! Couldn't happen to a nicer guy!
Thanks for being patient while standing in line if you had to and I'm sorry. But I strive to keep everything fresh and hot! Thanks, Terry & Belinda Your Hot Dog Guy's!
Terry , the bbq and conversation were top notch as allways. Yall were working up a sweet out there about lunchtime sat.
Huge thanks to Terry!...

For an 11:00 wake up for my boy, because I couldn't think clearly. He calmed me down and we took care of the situation together. I promise not to flash your wife anymore... Unless...
Great havin ya there! Thanks for everything!

Any time JT! nothin to it! How bout that wake up call sat morning? Sasquatch? yeah that's it! Thanks for the help at lunch!
it was great to meet yall this weekend (i was in the silver dodge parked beside you). and thanks for the nc4x4 stickers. i hope to see yall again soon
Oh yeah, we gave out a lot of NC4X4 stickers and koozies and stuff! Thanks NC4X4 for the swag. Every body was really glad to receive the surprise stuff! Shawn deserves the credit, we just were the helpers.
thanks for the food and everything you do Hot Dog Guy! me and my crew were cursed with turning wrenches more than wheeling this weekend, spent more than half of saturday in the double parking lot fixing a broken hub, knuckle and axle. didnt have time to leave my guys hanging and run back to camp and eat so there you were convenietly a few yards away with food! sorry i didnt make breakfast, but again thanks for the food and all you do!
thanks for the food and everything you do Hot Dog Guy! me and my crew were cursed with turning wrenches more than wheeling this weekend, spent more than half of saturday in the double parking lot fixing a broken hub, knuckle and axle. didnt have time to leave my guys hanging and run back to camp and eat so there you were convenietly a few yards away with food! sorry i didnt make breakfast, but again thanks for the food and all you do!
Any time man, Sorry ya busted your stuff. That just means you are wheeling it hard!
we are heading down this weekend and my wife and girls already have it planed that we are going to you for lunch on saturday.. you guys are great thanks for being there