URE Trip

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Well with all the crap going on in this thread im still left wondering

IS IT HARDCORE?????? :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
XJANdy said:
To be fair the rule about not flaming people has been broken several times this thread. Only when chris posted the funny pic did anyone say anything. THe gay flags and flaming comments had nothing but reinforcement.

I don't see it that way. There was general ribbing and joking around, but this is a 21+ board... grow some skin, or go to JU. The picture was uncalled for and posted by a new member of the board, and a Mod stepped in and corrected him.

Now i understand bias. I did my senior resarch project(college not high school) on itl. I don't think that someone who has a different opinion than the mods or an admin shoudl be chastized for posting a funny picture when other members of the board did much worse without the pic.

Much worse? puh-leeze. The :gay: was obviously a little joke. Sinec you used the term "fawktard" I'll assume you're familiar with :flipoff2: and its light-hearted meaning. Go re-read the entire thread, I'll wait here.. The mods didn't say anything except to remind people of the rules.

If the mods want to pic on people then that is one thing and they can forever be known as fawktards who play favorites and have no back bone. That is their porogative.

Again, show me a mod that "pic"ed on anyone.. So he poked a little fun at your vehicle. That's no big deal, unless you're sensitive about it... If I got offended everytime someone said something, i would have given up a looong time ago, that's for sure.

I'm closing this thread because it's obvious we hurt some feelings around here. (and the thread really was going nowhere anyway)

Last thought on this- we're all hardcore in our own ways. I'll be selling "Xtreme hardcore" stickers for $5 a piece if anyone wants some. :lol:
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