Used car dealership


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2005
Raleigh NC
Knocking around the idea of starting a used car dealership, but with a twist, and hopefully fill a niche.

Have been looking at the process to do this, and one of the first things is to take the Pre-Licensing class. Anyone have experience taking these classes? Which are better and what to look out for?

Starting an XJ specialty lot?
No credit? No Frame? No problem! No vehicle over $2k! lol

Hopefully Brad will chime in, he'd be a good resource.
ha...not selling one make of vehicle...although i'm sure it has been done, to varying degrees of success.

At least around here, the market is saturated with used lots selling 'clean, reliable' cars in the $8-$15k range....and most likley offering it can't be that hard. I've done quite a bit of reading on the subject and kinda understand the process, but have no first hand knowledge. The goal here is to start small and slow ( I have a full time job) as to not get in over my head. But, I hope to hear some dos/don'ts as to limit my mistakes.
Make sure your paperwork is right.
ha...well I hope that would be the easy part.

but I do need to know the correct order to do all of it

No dont laugh off what I said.
That was kinda the point.
Once you become a dealer a missed line on a bill of sale or title becomes a criminal offense.
Ask 1983Bronco on here about it. Seriosuly.

I sell 8-10 vehicles a year for a profit. I will never be a dealer.
I wasn't laughing it off, I am fully aware of the importance of filling out the paperwork correctly. Thank you for the advice.

At first I thought you were talking about getting the paperwork correct to start the business.....I would think that the paperwork that is completed while selling the car will be covered at the class/training....and some learned on the fly. I will be doing some more research on the subject, but of course there will always be things to learn.

I was wondering if anyone had some first hand knowledge about actually starting a dealership and maybe some things to do differently.
I was wondering if anyone had some first hand knowledge about actually starting a dealership and maybe some things to do differently.

Ask 1983Bronco on here about it. Seriosuly.

there's your answer. Brad is a dealer.