Uwharrie shut down due to government shut down?

URE Trails are still open..but keep in mind, the ''services'' are not. Which includes campgrounds, bathrooms and TRASH CANS.!! We were there yesterday and I heard Chris Cagle mention ''maybe' having a trash company bring in a dumpster or two for collection. He wasnt sure that the dumpster at the Outpost would be large enough to handle the regular trash AND the trash that's not being collected by the FS.
I know for sure his dumpster will not be large enough it's barely big enough for his normal use and the trash from the workdays.
Plan a trip for some muslims and obama will ok the FS to go back to work so the muslims won't have to deal with the services being down due to his shutdown.
We will have access to trash cans anytime during the shut down... Dumpsters are still being serviced, please post up if we have an area that trash is piled up and we can adress it. He work day we will have access to the dumpsters....
Thanks Snappy! We all appreciate the updates. I just spoke to Patty from the Arrowhead Campground reservation service about my reservations for tomorrow and saturday night. She said the trails will continue to remain open BUT like the guys said above, the services are not available. All non-plumbed bathrooms are still open on the trailheads. Just the ones with plumbing are shutdown. Just wanted to post this up because I've heard some people say the Uwharrie gates and stuff are closed and that is not accurate. We're headed down tomorrow evening or Saturday morning for the Jamboree. She also said they are trying to meet an agreement with Congress today to get the Forest service back up and running. IF they do that today, the campground will be opened back up starting tomorrow. Again this is "IF" they meet an agreement today. We've seen how hard it is for them to meet an agreement. :shaking:
I went down there last Monday and Tuesday. The outpost is still selling passes, all the gates to all the trails are open, and we primitively camped on the trail. I'll be going again this weekend and I'll try to come back with a more in depth description of what's going on. My question regards the workday, me and a few other guys were planning on helping with the workday, but with not forest rangers or state funding, how can we do the workday?
I went down there last Monday and Tuesday. The outpost is still selling passes, all the gates to all the trails are open, and we primitively camped on the trail. I'll be going again this weekend and I'll try to come back with a more in depth description of what's going on. My question regards the workday, me and a few other guys were planning on helping with the workday, but with not forest rangers or state funding, how can we do the workday?
Work day will be a go. We do the work so nothing else is needed. Be warned though it will be mostly trash pick up and documenting what we need on the trails is what I want us to do this work day...
As said in today's paper; Why does the Public, keep voting these dipsticks, back in Office?

That's easy to answer. The dipspits keep promising to raise welfare and give free medical. The people that want that have all the time to vote and I am beginning to think they also out number us working people.
Camp grounds should be open as of yesterday. Got an email saying they would be from the USFS.