Uwharrie Trail Work List


Uwharrie Off-Road Volunteering
Oct 23, 2007
Weddington, NC
1.) Slab Pile Trail near the Wolf Den junction – drain out the lead out ditch with equipment.

2.) Slab Pile Trail near the Wolf Den end – Reshape the ephemeral channel crossing, rock armor the crossing with about 8 to 10 loads of rip rap (6” to 10” rock). Armor the approaches to the crossing for about 10 feet on both sides of the crossing. Clean out the downstream side of the crossing (south side of trail) and armor about the first 5 feet of the outlet ditch. This crossing goes diagonally across the trail. After the channel is reshaped and armored block off the bypassing area with 4 long rails of guardrail and 5 posts.

3.) Slab Pile Trail – fella large hazard tree, large hardwood that does have trail markers on it. This tree has been flagged (the bushes at the bottom of the tree have been flagged & notes are on the flagging). After felling this tree use it to block of the bypass and also slash in the bypass with other downed trees and slash and there is also a small dead tree at the bottom of the bypass that could be felled and used to block off this bypass.

4.) Slab Pile Trail – there is a section of trail where ATV’s are going up and around sections of trail (downslopefrom a split rail fence that is about 30 feet off the trail) that need to be slashed in for about 100 to 200 feet. Winch dead and down trees from both sides of the trail to slash these sections off to keep people on the trail.

5.) Slab Pile Trail – there are folks driving down the outflow ditch from one rolling dip down the hill to another rolling dip. Install hay bales at the outflow ditches (about 15 feet or so from the actual trail) for both of these rolling dips and slash in the outflow ditches between the trail and the hay bales to discourage people driving off the trail. These are up hill from a small creek.

6.) Rocky Mountain Loop Trail – use hydraulic breaker to bust up rock and boulder/bedrock ledge on the lower ledge that is on the downhill from Kodak Rock. The ledge area the bust up is on the left side of the trail as you are climbing up to climb over Kodak Rock. Use the rock and dirt from breaking up the bedrock/boulder and from on-site to fill in the downhill side hole of the ledge. Compact the soil as much as possible with the equipment available. Also, there are a couple of dead and downed trees in the middle of the trail that can either be used to block up the middle section of the trail to keep people separated to either the hard rock climbing section of trail (right side of trail) or on the easy rock climbing section of trail (left side of trail) OR the dead trees can be used as a boundary or curbing on the down slope side of the trail to keep people from going off the trail on the down slope side.

7.) Rocky Mountain Loop Trail – After climb up and over Kodak Rock and you’re driving down hill there are three areas to block at the same time to block of a large bypass. There are upper, middle and lower sections that needto be blocked off with guardrail. Upper Section– install 4 long rails with 5 posts. Middle Section– install 2 short rails with 3 posts. Lower Section– install 1 long rail with 2 posts. At the top of the bypass use the hydraulic breaker to bedrock in the middle of the easy section of the trail (the right side of the trail as you’re driving down the hill). This bedrock is the just down slope from the flagging hanging on a tree in the middle of the trail. I think beginners or people in stock vehicles get a little freaked out in this rock section and so they are going down this bypass even though the section of the designated trail isn’t really that bad.

This is a work in progress. A group did install rail on RML. The hydraulic breaker work is scheduled for August/September.

8.) Rocky Mountain Loop Trail – This is the crossing that Kelly Cagle and his group worked on at the May 21stwork weekend. Dig out / reshape the outflow ditch section and finish armoring the crossing and the outflow ditch with an additional 3 loads of rip rap of 6 to 8” rock. There is a little bit of rock still there. STOP SIGN MISSING AT THE INTERSECTION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN LOOP TRAIL AND FR 553 ACROSS FROM THE NEW BRIDGE. INSTALL NEW STOP SIGN.

Work is in progress on this. The entire outflow ditch was re-shaped/dug out, and what rock was on site was added. Multiple loads of rip rap still needed. And the Stop sign has been installed.

9.) Rocky Mountain Loop Trail - Drain mudhole and remove logs that are in front of the guardrail that was put up at the dispersed camping are up on the hill. Also, reset the guardrail post at this site.

10.) Rocky Mountain Loop Trail – Install 1 long rail and 2 posts on the edge of the trail to block ATV’s and dirt bikes from driving off the trail to go around the new short culvert and into the stream. Use the logs that are between sites # 9 & 10 or from the stream crossing on Slab Pile Trail at the Dutch John Creek corduroy crossing for Dutch John Trail site # 15.

This may be in progress still, but I am thinking it is complete. A group installed rail on RML so this is either complete or close.

11.) Dutch John Trail – At the hill climb at the Slab Pile end – Remove all of the hog wire fencing materials that are at the top, middle and bottom sections of this entrenched hill climb. Remove some of the broken split rail fencing materials that are at the top of the hill climb and replace them with guardrail. Connect the two ends of the split rail fence that are still intact with 5 long rails and 6 posts. There is orange flagging on the 2 sections of split rail fencing that are to be kept in place. At the bottom of the hill climb remove all of the hog wire fencing and remove the split rail that is on the north and west side of the trail and replace the bottom of the bypass with 2 pieces of short rail and 3 posts (this is where the split rail is piled up at this time). On the inside curve (on the south and east side of the trail) fix the split rail fencing and extend it to the camping area. If there is additional split rail materials haul them to site # 18 where split rail will be added to a site.

This is in progress also. Some guard rail has been installed, and the hog wire fencing has been removed.

12.) Dutch John Trail – Guardrail 3 spots of a long bypass. On the top add 2 long rails and 3 posts, in the middle section add 2 long rails and 3 posts and at the bottom add 1 long rail and 2 posts. See the orange flagging at these sites marking the general locations of the guardrail.

13.) Dutch John Trail – The first corduroy crossing that you cross after going down the hill is quite loose and looked a bit busted up. Need to re-tighten the cables and check the cable to make sure it hasn’t broken.

14.) Dutch John Trail – This is at a mudhole that is on the long flat section along the creek where the trail starts to get very rocky. At this mudhole take the spit rail fence down, drain the mudhole, cut back the berms and fill in the trail tread and try to outslope the trail. If can’t get it to outslope reshape the outlet ditch and install 2 haybalesabout 10 feet off of trail at the end of the outlet ditch and then put the split rail fence back up.

This project is in progress also. The mud hole has been drained, re-shaped, etc. But it was wet when completed so it needs to be re-evaluated, plus hay bales added, and split rail put back up.

15.) Dutch John Trail – At a corduroy crossing add between 15 to 20 long pieces of corduroy logs to the corduroy crossing. There are already 9 to 10 log pieces there. Can get more logpieces from Rocky Mountain Loop Trail next to site # 9 & 10 or from the stream crossing on Slab Pile Trail at the Dutch John Creek corduroy crossing. Need new cable here or need to splice broken pieces together. Bring the short pieces we have from the work center.

16.) Dutch John Trail – Drain mudhole and reshape the outlet ditch and add 2 hay bales at the outlet and then armor the mudhole with cobble / rip rap from on-site source.

17.) Dutch John Trail – This is the big corduroy crossing that had the tree cleared out at the May work weekend. The cable is busted and some of the logs are busted. Replace the broken log pieces and add new cable or splice cable pieces together. Can get more log pieces from Rocky Mountain Loop Trail next to site # 9 & 10 or from the stream crossing on Slab Pile Trail at the Dutch John Creek corduroy crossing.

This Project is Complete

18.) Dutch John Trail – At the dispersed camping area near the Wolf Den end of the trail where there is already split rail fencing in place. We want to allow camping but block vehicles and ATV’s from going back to the campsite. They can park at fence and walk back to camp. Fix the broken pieces of split rail and then connect the two sections of split rail with about 12 sections with 11 posts (should be able to connect to the end posts of the 2 sections of fencing that are already there). Use the pieces of split rail fencing that aren’t used at the bottom of the hill climb. I need to count how many sections of split rail were left out there in May.

19.) Falls Dam Trail at the intersection with Wolf Den Trail – Remove exposed culvert, cut back berms and fill in the trail – may need to cut trees – reshape a channel where culvert is and then armor it with rock from on-site.

I know we got a lot of work done in June, but I want to be clear on what all got done and where. There were groups that split up and did other work outside of the groups on Dutch John. If you know what other work got done, we can get the list fully up to date.
I think #10 can be marked 95% done. We put in the guard rail on both sides of the culvert and dragged the logs back to the parking area. There might be a couple of logs still by the culvert and 3 logs along the trail back due to broken strap.