UWS truck box keys


New Member
Oct 13, 2005
Raleigh, NC
I bought a used UWS truck box but it didn't come with any keys. Where's the best place to get keys? Would a locksmith like Marshalls over on poole road have them or am I going to have to contact UWS directy?
I bought a used UWS truck box but it didn't come with any keys. Where's the best place to get keys? Would a locksmith like Marshalls over on poole road have them or am I going to have to contact UWS directy?
Is there a number on the lock? If so take that number to a lock smith and they can cut you the proper key.
Just replace the whole lock, you can buy them for about 10 bucks or so at any hardware store and probably lowes.
If you email or call the maker and tell them the number on the lock they will send you 2 keys. I paid $10 and it took about 7 days.
I went out and looked and there aren't any numbers on the lock. The only ID number in the box is on a bar coded label that's on the inside of the lid.
Every UWS toolbox I own has a 502 key. Kinda nice, one key for every toolbox, but kinda sucks cus 502 is a really common key.

Got it. I overlooked it on the front of the lock. It's pretty dumb to put which key opens it on the face for the world to see...I guess I'll buy a padlock.

Like was said, its on the outside of the damn lock, which is stupid. Locks only keep the honest man out anyway.

i was talking about the fact that you said what key fit yours and blkvoodoo mentioned where you work at the meet n greet last time............. and thats only about 5 min from my house.
i was talking about the fact that you said what key fit yours and blkvoodoo mentioned where you work at the meet n greet last time............. and thats only about 5 min from my house.

Like I said, locks only keep the honest man out. But just cus Im at work doesnt mean my truck is.............

bob saget, i was hoping to score some free tools on my way to clayton this weekend. :lol: