I heard all property in NC becomes property to next of kin after death without any inheritance taxes what-so-ever written in stone? Correct me if I'm wrong? Had a neighbor get killed and he owned a garage which was full of tools with at least 100+ vehicles surrounding it (they only found the title to 1 car so the rest went without). I tried to get as much info I could at the time without overstepping my bounds. I did find out the next of kin was 3 sisters who sold everything in an auction and split all cash after auction fees. I scored some good shit at that auction! This was like 9 years ago if things have changed?
Of course only the good ones go early. David was a heck of a guy always looking out for his neighbors. Worked on cars for a living and a car fell on him. I've given every vehicle I've ever climbed under that was jacked up the big "shove test" ever since. And always a back-up plan such as jack stands or what I call monster blocks "glorified cinder blocks about 2-3" thick all over" that will not fail under a dead load. I trust them more than jack stands.
Tennessee, much different story. In TN, all "property" not recorded in a will goes to the state. Property being land/ home/ and vehicles. Unless you fight it with a lawyer. When my grandmother passed, her kids had a heck of a time. I have property in TN and need to get something done as soon as I can...