sprint doesn't share verizon
"Please hold while the Sprint subscriber you are trying to reach is located... Please hold while the Sprint subscriber you are trying to reach is located... Please hold while the Sprint subscriber you are trying to reach is located..."
That's all I know about Sprint. I dunno WTF people pay them for, but it sure as hell isn't for cell service.
I'd say Verizon wins between them and sprint. I have had ATT for about 13years and have pretty much been happy w/ them. Everything has gotten better but the price.
Now let's discuss which is better Verizon or AT&T. Since my wife is on my ass to renew and get that texting crap.
I have sprint for my work phone and it is crap . It is so bad I just went got me another phone and it's a verizon. Sprint is Ok if you don't plan to leave the city other then that as I sad the sprint service is crap.
I base this on the fact I travel the lower 48 for work and the only time my sprint phone works consistantly is when I am roming on the Verizon network with it.