They nickel and dime you on everything, especially if you are a smartphone user. We have the lowest minute possible plan, so low its not even advertised, "loyalty plan", yet our bill is $144/mo. Even (technically) have an extra fee for tethering the phone, even though you could have the same throughput by the phone itself (luckily there are ways around that). The "loyalty discount" for re-signing with them for another 2 yrs is a whopping $30, on 1 phone only. 30 whole bucks. Wow. I really feel appreciated, thanks.
Meanwhile you can't even change plans after your contract is up w/o a new contract, even if you provide the phone.
But thats just their shitty customer loyalty. What really irks me is how they force the mfr to change the specs of the phone to fit a particular niche in their product lineup - e.g. have them decrease, disable, or remove features that are otherwise available on other networks.
E.g. lock out the GPS so it can only be accessed via their direction service (which you have to pay for), disable part of the RAM so its not too fast or limit the modem speed.
That is complete BS, they are just manipulating (limiting) what you, the consumer, can get so that it fits their marketing better.
The network provider should be just that, a provider of network service and be independent of the devices that you can purchase to use on their network.