Wab Fab

I was on pirate when that thread blew up. I've read the entire thing. A couple points from my perspective...

1) He's not a 24-hr shop waiting for your calls, thus you should be patient or understand that he has to fab to stay in business. If I'm in the middle of a weld, I'm not dropping everything and running to the phone.

2) He's not a 24-hr shop so don't expect things to be shipped overnight.

3) You should have called in advance. If he didn't answer take your order elsewhere and don't bank on a long shot.

4) If you left him a phone message, he should have called you back. That's just good business and personally I'd be pissed too. However, if you didn't then I'd say you made the mistake.

The same thing happened to me recently. I called and thought I had a deal going. They were supposed to call me back. They didn't and I ordered from someone else. A week later they call and I tell them what I did. No hard feelings and they understood. Instant gratification doesn't always happen. If you want it that bad then take your business elsewhere until you get what you want.
1) He's not a 24-hr shop waiting for your calls, thus you should be patient or understand that he has to fab to stay in business. If I'm in the middle of a weld, I'm not dropping everything and running to the phone.
2) He's not a 24-hr shop so don't expect things to be shipped overnight.

Yeah, but during the hours you're open, SOMEONE should answer the phone. When I'm in the middle of a weld, I'm not answering the phone either- but someone is. THat's customer service. Small business blah blah, reasons aside the result is you either offer good customer service or bad. Its the USA, you are free to do either.

Ordering on a sunday and not shipped by tuesday isn't anywhere close to overnight.

But you're bang-on, purchaser should have called first and realized that the no answer meant look elsewhere if he wanted it quickly.
Next harassing/threatening text or email I receive from you and me and your CO are going to have a conversation since you are doing all this on government time at the recruitment center.

But one question I have is why are you wanting to talk to him and not me? I just dont see why you can't get the balls to talk to me and maybe we can come to an agreement to things. You dont know me from adam and likewise. You never know we might just get a long if you pick up the phone or return a call/message. Just give it a try and see what the outcome is. I am ready to apologize to you as long as I get one in return. We were both out of line on this and we BOTH need to be men about it. Yeah I was pissed when it first happend and I am sure you would have been to if it were the other way around. So give me a call when you are ready