

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2008
Not a fan of walmart but Im glad to see this

sent from deep space via galaxy S 2
Can a handicap vehicle park in a regular spot and not get a ticket? It doesnt seem right.
Gotta give Walmart some credit for that!
Shit wally world is gotta be gettin some kind of cash for having it up...
Can a handicap vehicle park in a regular spot and not get a ticket? It doesnt seem right.

They dont have a choice most of the time. The lazy @$$holes that have handicap placards and dont have any disability take up all of the handicap parking spots.
My honest opinion:
This is nothing more than a ploy by Walmart to make people like us think they care in order to extract more business. Everybody walks by and says "awww, that Walmart is so sweet, they care about our injured soldiers" and so you feel better about buying cheap crap made in China. It works on me too, but I hate it.
I don't care if a person has a handicap sticker or not, and just because you do doesn't mean you should be parking there. If you can walk around and are physically able to do so without major discomfort or burden, get your ass out of the handicap parking spot.
They dont have a choice most of the time. The lazy @$$holes that have handicap placards and dont have any disability take up all of the handicap parking spots.

My x has one. 32 y/o lazy bitch.
I don't care if a person has a handicap sticker or not, and just because you do doesn't mean you should be parking there. If you can walk around and are physically able to do so without major discomfort or burden, get your ass out of the handicap parking spot.

Agreed...the folks that have one because they're fat highly irritate me (understanding there are legitimate conditions). Maybe if they walked from the back of the parking lot they'd be doing better.