Warning: Inflamatory post


Dum Spiro Spero
Apr 16, 2005
Sharon, SC
Can I ask a question without starting a war?

Why have we become Brinks Security today and begun locking threads left and right?
I am not questioning a moderator's *authority* (authoriTAH?) to do so, just questioning the reasoning.

In both locked threads we have genuine contributions by regular members of this board. I dont think there is any danger of this becoming a Rush Limbaugh sounding board due to one thread. People post obviously there is interest there.
As to the rocks, well every village has one, lets not run ours off, okay?

I'm sorry I have half a brain and don't mind discussion on a variety of topics to break up the day.

OK I am off my soapbox, I will even begin the normal discussion for everyone:

Jeeps RULE
You idiot only Chevys have 4-Lo
Build a buggy

uga Dana 60 good
uge Dana 44 BAd
10 bolt better than 44
take that back or I will hit you

Feel more like home now...
...politics is reason #1, and postings to wrong area is reason #2...

See the rules section...I believe I mentioned those in both of those threads... and simply closed them, did not delete or move them...

As always, we appreciate the input and everyone is welcome here, just follow the rules and enjoy.

I am not gonna lock this one down, but just a heads up for everyone, we generally ask that if you feel a MOD (or any poster) has overstepped, just contact another MOD, don't start a flamewar post...since this thread is attacking me, I won't close it, but allow others to review it instead...but below is the ettiquette section I am referring to:

D. Problems with an individual member, moderator, or administrator should be discussed directly with that person first. If the problem cannot be resolved through direct contact, the problem may be addressed with another moderator or administrator, NOT through posting in the forums.

I'm sorry I have half a brain and don't mind discussion on a variety of topics to break up the day.

Well, there are -- like -- eleven billion websites you can go to and talk about everything from where Dubya's hiding all the aliens to how many goats fit in a by-the-hour hotel room. You can probably hit most of the good sites in a day's time, too.

THIS site is intended to be largely focused on 4 wheel drive vehicles and activities in the great state of North Carolina.
I was surpsied the Lottery post even made it that far. It was still very civil and personally I didn't see it heading south yet, although as Sam mentioned it's pretty much inevitable... every time the Lotto comes up, politics follow and then people get pissed and the virtual fists start flying.
The board has seemed really soft lately. But I would rather have it this way than not at all so whatever.
Well, there are -- like -- eleven billion websites you can go to and talk about how many goats fit in a by-the-hour hotel room. You can probably hit most of the good sites in a day's time, too.

Not sure which interweb you are surfing, but sometimes I'm glad work blocks sites
Damn, why can't we all just get along. Every so often we will have newbies or oldbies that come along and stir stuff up. Who cares? The Mods will control it and that is what is needed. Other sites let stuff go too long and too much...this site does not let it go too far. That is the end of it and if you dont like it go away!

Yes, :popcorn:
Some of it is fun to watch but it is better to end things then let people make asses out of themselves. I have been that ass and I wish a Mod stopped it before it went to far. (yes, I can be honest)
IBLT hahaha

I would imagine that general chit chat could host almost any topic, minus porn and downright wrong stuff (which i will leave unmentioned to not get suspended). Some threads get locked, end of story. Just start another one and steer clear from whatever it was that caused it to get locked. There is always more then one way to state something.
for the record.

Me and Sam have traded PMs.
We are cool.
We definitely disagree, but no hard feelings.

I fully understand he has the right to lock threads, and understand his reasoning for doing so.

I do not agree with the decision, but it is not my decision to make. I SHOULD have handled this behind closed doors (PMs) instead of stirring the pot, but as I told Sam, I am strongly anti censorship and when an intelligent conversation gets locked down, I think it insults our collective intelligence. Based on this I reacted quickly without thinking through the situation rationally.

:beer: for everyone.
And to all a good night :flipoff2:
Damn I need to do that.
Waaay too busy.
If kid gets doen with soccer before dark I will take pics tonight.
If not, tomorrow I promise!
Just giving you a hard time.. :D
How about, I just shipped the damn thing to ya, FEdEx Priority overnight freight collect?

SOund like a plan?

So......where's the site about the goats?
