We Lost Member JoshDes last Week

RIP and thank you for giving the ultimate sacriface to keep my fanmily and I safe and free. I am in the Air Force and respect those who do the real work on the ground fighting for our great country. To his parents in this troubled tim just remember why he was there and what it meant to him. He is nothing short of a hero! My thoughts and prayers go out his family, friends, and fellow service members. One day I want to meet in him in heaven and thank him and other fallen heros personally.

:beer:cheers to a brave man and fellow service member:beer:
I'm sorry for his family and friends. R.I.P.

And "thanks"....while that sentiment is surely there from me for all these people sacrifice for us....."thanks" is not even close to being strong enough. I wish I knew a better word for "thanks."

Sad to hear we lost another good man over there.

Josh, may your trip to the next life be in a big ol XJ with some 38" swampers.

Godspeed troop...