
professionally useless
Mar 16, 2005
Archer Lodge
I'm seeing where the utility companies have started spraying various right of ways with some sort of herbicide that looks as though it kills EVERYTHING in its path. Trees, or anything green is now dead in those right of ways!

What is it and where can I get some ?

The flower (WEED) beds around my house are just fawked, Round up works for a short time,but they weeds come back, short of standing there picking every weed sprout as it pokes thru, I want NOTHING green in the beds unless I put it there. I'm ok with killing of everything withing 2-3 feet of the house and putting down some sort of decorative gravel.

I made the mistake many years ago of getting mulch from the City of Raleigh Weed Dispensary ( unknown at the time) over on New Hope Rd. Ever since I have been able to grow nothing I but weeds. Whatever gets planted gets over taken by weeds, and dies off.

The part that pisses me off most, I am TRYING to grow nice stuff, and have spent a shit ton in this process, it keeps getting killed off, where as neighbors on both sides could give fuck all about what's growing , and their shrubs (Azaleas, Crepe Mertels and various perennials) look decent and bloom regularly ( with absolutely NO intervention from them )

This isn't wanting to keep up with the Joneses just tired of my place looking like a weed farm.

Yes,I Know this isn't the first time I've whined about this, just tired of it. ( and tired of finding HUGE hidden fire ant hills when I try to beat the weeds back )
The stuff they are spraying you're going to need an NC herbicide/pesticide license to get. Have any legit landscaper friends? Otherwise go to a true feed and seed type store and buy the best stuff they sell and read the label. Do it wrong and nothing will ever grow there...
This is what Duke uses... http://www.duke-energy.com/safety/right-of-way-management/pec-managing-with-herbicides.asp. Most stuff is so strong that you need a permit to handle and spray. Years ago we got some strong stuff that had "trans" in the title. I don't remember the full name but is was expensive. Like $700 for a 5 gal Bucket. And it was strong, you could only spray it once every other year. You could also Google "transmission line herbicides"
".......... getting mulch from the City of Raleigh Weed Dispensary " , you obviously got the wrong chit, the bottom of the bag and the seeds and stems :smokin:
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you obviously got the wrong chit, the bottom of the bag and the seeds and stems :huggy:

Ya think ?

$12 a truckload X2 is a screaming deal for mulch for the first couple weeks, and it's been giving ever since !
I say rake it all away from the good plants into piles and burn that chit, then start over............just be sure not to breathe the smokeo_O ..............or you could cover the mulch/weeds w black plastic where it sits for a week or so and bake it to death w/o using the poisons.
Killzall from Farmers Feed and Sees. 4oz per gallon and spray. That is what I do. I buy it in a 2.5 gallon jug and mix up three gallons in my backpack sprayer.
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From a licensed pesticide applicator. Most of that stuff that Duke uses is not available to you nor would it help you. It would kill any weed but also any desirable plant that you have. Theres three things that you need to do. First, spray all weeds that you have with Round up or any equivalent with the active ingredient "glyphosate". Mix it per directions, not stronger (mixing stronger actually burns the folaige off before the pesticide can work) and add a "sticker" or "surfactant" to the mixture. A sticker or surfactant helps the pesticide "stick" to the surface of the leaves. A good example is when you get into the shower the water beads off of your skin. Once you wipe down with soap, it sticks to you. A sticker is basically soap and you can actually use some Dawn as your sticker, just add it after you fill the tank or it will foam up.
Secondly, once the weeds are dead, apply a granular pre-emergent such as "Snapshot" to the soil surface and water it in per directions. There are pre-emergents that mix with your round up but its not applicable in your situation.
Third, apply a clean mulch of bark or pine straw thick enough (3"-4") to not allow sunlight to the soil surface. Then monitor for weed growth and spray as needed.

It sounds like you have a good infestation.
A few notes: Never weedeat the weeds down and then spray, it does no good. The round up has to penetrate the leaves and transfer the plant systemically.
Be careful of what you add to soil, as cheap manure (use Black Kow or mushroom compost for soil improvement) and "topsoil" products usually have more weeds in them than your soil. I like to use Natures Helper/Water Saver as a "till in" soil amendment along with the manure or mushroom compost. Sand actually has weeds in it also.
Now if your weeds are bermuda grass that is creeping into the plant beds from the edges then a pre-emergent will not help, You have to spray it as it emerges or creeps into the area or creat a physical barrier such as brick or steel edging to help keep it out. Edging with the string trimmer at a verticle angle as you would on a sidewalk also helps this situation.

For the products I've mentioned, go to https://www.johndeerelandscapes.com/home/locations.aspx and find your nearest dealer that sells pesticides (call them first to be sure) and you can buy products from them. They do sell to the general public without a pesticide license.